The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

I've reached a new low..........photographing bee poop. In 4 years of beekeeping, I've never seen anything like this. My bees were confined to their hive for 10 or so days of heavy rain. We got over 9 inches of rain. The first clear day and they exploded all over the place. They were obviously very happy to get out to relieve themselves.

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I am so sorry for the loss.

My biggest fears are the burning of my house or barns. I pray that you can find solace at this time.
I've reached a new low..........photographing bee poop. In 4 years of beekeeping, I've never seen anything like this. My bees were confined to their hive for 10 or so days of heavy rain. We got over 9 inches of rain. The first clear day and they exploded all over the place. They were obviously very happy to get out to relieve themselves.

Not yet. I'm waiting to see what else is tossed at me so I can look Satan in the face and say "Gods got this. Bring it on." Oh yeah. My fever is around 103 now and my car wouldn't start at the school after I got the kids. I know there's a joke somewhere in all this.

Can't wait to see what's next. I'm to hard headed to let it get to me. Knock on wood.

If there is anything I can do to help from northern Idaho, let me know. I'd be happy to send eggs.I have white and buff Ameraucana, but only get an egg every day to every other day from each of the pens. The white pen has 2 hens, Buff pen only has one So far.
Please don't. I can't get the image of those tiny bodies out of my head. I was sick last night due to everything that happened this week and forgot to close the door to the run. That is the only thing that saves my adults. They could get out.

As for the heater. I had the one with a safety flip device but firefighter says it happened so fast it didn't have time to kick in.

Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm just trying to minimize the chance of my kids seeing it. We will clean up and try to build a new coop this weekend before they notice.

Going to be hard. I'm already crying again just thinking about it. My entire Val hatch is dead, my coop is gone and my older birds are terrified but thankfully seem unharmed. I'll let them calm down and check them later today. Any suggestions if any have burns??

Clover honey. IT makes burns heal scarless. Hair will even come back in with full color.
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I'm terribly sorry...that's just awful. I cannot imagine. And I can sympathize with not wanting to tell the kids until it's cleaned up - I've got 3 myself and they would be devastated too.

Thinking of y'all and glad that you and your family are safe

Thank you all. I hope I got everyone. I did spend about an hour crying last night until my husband made me go to bed. I was so exhausted but still find more tears. I hate this.

I know many were destined to be culled after a few years for meat but not like this. Never like this. And I've got to keep a smiling face for the kids who we don't want to know until we get it cleaned up. Not easy. Prayers and hugs are always welcome guys.

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