The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

First pip (egg from my bantam Crevecoeur hen)!!!
I would make a ramp not too steep to go over the metal, so when she is ready she can take them up and down, don't worry they will stay next to mom like glue, and if one gets separated she will call it so just make sure it can get back home. no I don't think it would break her set, they are pretty stubborn when it comes to hatching babies. Somebody else chime in.

Should I be worried about how high up my mama hen is from the ground when her eggs hatch?

What if one of the chicks decide to got sky diving? Will she go after them or or stay on the eggs that still need to hatch?
Should I move her? Would she break her set on her eggs if I move her?
If she is close to hatch I would use hardware cloth (1/2") to create a screen cover for her box, simply cut it to size and tie it to screws in each corner with bread ties, wire or even baling twine. Put it on the evening before she is due to hatch. She won't leave the nest for the next 24hours or more anyway. Once she has a few chicks hatched you can decide if you want to leave her there or move her to a floor nest. A ramp should be installed if you leave her there and think she will return to that box, my hens usually pick a new place to nest at ground level for a couple of weeks.
Use caution in moving her mid brood though as already said, they are very picky and easily upset.
20 of the 28 eggs made it to Lock Down.... Large winter storm hitting tonight hoping we don't loose power!
Also modified my small brooder box, by adding a viewing window.

I should do this with mine. I have a real long tub. It's red. I would do it for the chicks though. Every time I put the chicks outside in the nursery, they just stand frozen. Poor things aren't used to seeing anything .. but red. that plexy? Plastic? ??

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