The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

A bit unrelated to the HAL but... if you're collecting fertile eggs to incubate and you won't be incubating them for at least several days, do you have to turn those eggs? My two turkey hens are laying and I'd like to collect several days worth of eggs before setting them. I'm collecting them in an egg carton in the coolest room of my house, but I'm wondering if I should tilt the carton back and forth or put them in a turner or something.

I may be the oddball on this topic but I never tilt or rotate mine and they just sit on my kitchen counter until set day. I still have excellent hatches.
Quote: That's what it looks like to me. There's blood, but not so much that it can't breath. It's chirping and trying to zip, but it's trying too soon. I kinda figured there wasn't anything I could do, but it's better to ask and have it confirmed than not ask and find out I could have done something. I guess I'll just have to wait and hope for the best.

Quote: Here's hoping it does manage to hatch.
One out!

So, I know I'm waaaay late. I got my new incubator about 3 weeks ago & decided to toss in 3 eggs from the little quail I got off of Craigslist earlier that day. The screen says I have 3 days left...

The other eggs have been added since. I think I'm doing that staggering thing now...
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So, I know I'm waaaay late. I got my new incubator about 3 weeks ago & decided to toss in 3 eggs from the little quail I got off of Craigslist earlier that day. The screen says I have 3 days left...
The other eggs have been added since. I think I'm doing that staggering thing now...

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