The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

None of mine hatched. I suspect dry hatch method is not appropriate for the incubator I use. One egg lasted until day 16 and then died.
I will try again later.

Cutie! <3 what breed/mix is it?
Does anyone on here use a cabinet incubator? I am contemplating getting one and I really would like some input on if they are worth the money. I have been using styro bators and my hatches have been awful. Not even 50% and everything goes great until lock down. Lock down seems to go good, humidity stays where it's suppose to and everything, the eggs are just not hatching.
It's really frustrating. So I just need to know, do eggs hatch better in the cabinets.

Here is the most important issue people have with an incubator and it is placement ..

Keep away from windows .

Keep away from sunlight .

Keep away from doors that are opened several times a day .

A good place to put an incubator is a closet or a room that is rarely used . .

My grand paw had me hatch some eggs back in the 1960's by using a light bulb in my sock drawer and yes 3 out of 4 egg's hatched and to this day I use a simple G.Q.F. incubator and I keep the brooder full of poultry .


This is how simple it is ..

Nothing fancy here ..

My yard is full of my experiments and chicken coops and cages ..

Are you using shipped eggs or eggs from your yard ?


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