The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Rock a Bye Baby

The Chickendads had been putting eggs in the incubator at different times and marking the date on them. Some of the eggs were not fertile, so they were replaced with ones that were. So there were a lot of different eggs waiting to become babies.

One day, the Chickenson was visiting and said, “Mom—are they supposed to hatch in the turner?” Mrs. Chickendad went over to see and there was a little fuzzy face looking up at her through the incubator window. He was snuggled down in the egg cup, gently rocking with the turner. His shell was a couple of rows back, so he had made the long trip to an empty egg cup all by himself. The baby and his brother eggs were quickly moved to the hatcher, where they proceeded to turn into fuzzy babies.

Barbara and Leroy have been pretty quiet lately. They both appear to be starting a molt. Mrs. Chickendad has been collecting Barbara’s discarded feathers to include with her t- shirts, as a personal touch from Barbara. Leroy’s feet feathers have all but disappeared due to his busyness trying to keep all the Big Girls together and Hot Stuff in his place as Vice President of the flock. He also feels a duty to take care of the Big Girls “needs”, so he is a very tired little rooster by roosting time.
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Foster Children

Cecily has abandoned her three boys to the orphanage in the garage. She has had enough of child care and happily rejoined Scooter in the cochin coop, where three of her sisters are brooding foster eggs. Mrs. Chickendad has discovered that Cecily's boys are a bit of a handful and are trying to boss the babies around. They are so much more worldly, having been to the spruce tree spa and the quince bush with their mother.

There was a long power outage last week, so Mrs. Chickendad went out in the rain at midnight and gave the broody girls something to brood about. They were given the rest of the eggs in the incubator, mostly Wyandottes. The girls are arguing about which nest boxes they should use, and one of the girls is so determined to use the same nest that her sister has that she is trying to brood on the roost in front of the favored box.

Meanwhile, over in the bantam rock pen, Rocky and Mrs. Rocky have a family in the making. Mrs. Rocky laid 8 eggs before she settled down to go into a broody coma for three weeks. Rocky was lonely with his woman chicken out of commission, so Little Red Frizzie was put in his pen for company. When Mrs. Rocky wanted to come off the eggs, Frizzie would take over for her on the nest. The Chickendads thought that was so cute!

Yesterday, Mrs. Chickendad went out with a flashlight to candle Mrs. Rocky’s eggs, mainly to determine when and if they would hatch. Surprise! Frizzie has been adding to the clutch of eggs—there were 21 eggs that Mrs. Rocky was trying to cover. Poor Mrs. Rocky would have had children of all ages and sizes (and weird colors) if all those eggs had hatched. Mrs. Chickendad removed all of the eggs that were not going to develop and left the remaining 5 to Mrs. Rocky. Five children are much more manageable than 21, unless you are that family on TLC with all those kids!

Here is a picture of Rocky as a teenager:

and Mrs. Rocky ("Rockette")
Thanks again for the story! I was wondering, how much would the mugs cost? I was interested in buying one for my mom. If you could give the information in one of your posts I would like that a lot! Thanks!
Yes, it is Cecily and her bi-polar baby.

bipolar baby? Has he been to see a shrink? why is that sweety fuzzy baby bipolar? Tyson wanted me to ask you...when will the girls be interested in him...right now (3-4 months) they are just don't wantin' the romancin'. When he gives "yum-yum" sounds they are all there, but no funny business.
Yes, it is Cecily and her bi-polar baby.

bipolar baby? Has he been to see a shrink? why is that sweety fuzzy baby bipolar? Tyson wanted me to ask you...when will the girls be interested in him...right now (3-4 months) they are just don't wantin' the romancin'. When he gives "yum-yum" sounds they are all there, but no funny business.

Cecily's babies have gone to the orphanage with the other babies. The three of them are "overconfident" and insist on attacking my hand everytime I change feed and water. The three of them are all boys, so maybe sweet Cecily couldn't relate to them. They look so sweet and innocent, but they are devil children, I think.

Tyson will have to get over the notion that dinner dates conclude with some action, and also that "Brace Yourself, Sweetie" is not effective foreplay. Those girls will start cooperating as they approach the point of lay. I have noticed our hens also become friendlier then and don't run off in all directions like they used to.
bipolar baby? Has he been to see a shrink? why is that sweety fuzzy baby bipolar? Tyson wanted me to ask you...when will the girls be interested in him...right now (3-4 months) they are just don't wantin' the romancin'. When he gives "yum-yum" sounds they are all there, but no funny business.

Cecily's babies have gone to the orphanage with the other babies. The three of them are "overconfident" and insist on attacking my hand everytime I change feed and water. The three of them are all boys, so maybe sweet Cecily couldn't relate to them. They look so sweet and innocent, but they are devil children, I think.

Tyson will have to get over the notion that dinner dates conclude with some action, and also that "Brace Yourself, Sweetie" is not effective foreplay. Those girls will start cooperating as they approach the point of lay. I have noticed our hens also become friendlier then and don't run off in all directions like they used to.

LOL...Poor bipolar babies. And I will pass along the info to Tyson, that soon he will so busy he won't know what to do with himself.
And, I agree, he needs to come up with a better line than "Brace yourself, sweetie".

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