The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Yes, it is Cecily and her bi-polar baby.

Thank You! The devil children are at the stage where they are all feathers sticking out all over, quills, big feet and sharp beaks, though. Hopefully they will grow up to look like Scooter and Cecily, but right now they look awful! And they act the same!
Mrs. Chickendad: I had to let you know.....

I was sitting here at my computer catching up on BYC when I heard noise from the chicken coop/run. Now I need to tell you....I had to put the girls on a lock up until I finish my better exterior yard fence, because two of the naughty girls flew across a low spot, in the fence, into the neighbor's yard and they have a red healer (dog) that will eat chickens. Hannah was one of them. I saved them and all is good. Anyway, back to my story...I hear noise. I went out and what do my ears hear but.....the "I laid an egg" song. Well, I go in the coop and Hannah is there with two of the tiniest, cutest little eggs I have ever seen. She must have laid one yesterday, but I had not been here all day to hear or check on them to find the egg. I am so excited, oh excuse me...eggcited.
The Babies Arrive

There are three new occupants in the broody house—Mrs. Rocky and the two Rockettes. Two of the eggs did not make it to pipping, and the third egg hatched out a tiny, tiny black chick who was apparently the offspring of Rocky and Frizzie. The tiny chick’s feet were only about a half-inch across and it also had a very small head. After struggling for a day, the tiny chick went to the Big Nest in the Sky. Mrs. Rocky seems quite content with her two remaining fuzzy yellow babies, however.

On Monday The Neighbor Next Door brought some cold watermelon for the girls. The Little Boys and Girls were convinced that the watermelon was going to kill them. They would sneak up and peck at it, then run back to the corner in case it came after them. It took forever for them to eat the pink part. Meanwhile, Barbara and the other girls came out for the party. Leroy could not “buka-buka-buka-buka-buka” fast enough, he was so excited. Pretty soon there were just rolled up rinds left. Barbara stretched out in the corner of the pen and sunned herself. A full tummy, a warm spot to rest and her man chicken by her side. What more could a girl ask?

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