The adventures of Barbara (BR)




Thanks, Justuschicks, I checked the hackles - what I can see of them - they seem to be rounded. Babs' comb is not as prominent or as red. My DH thinks she just may be one tough heifer. He has a hard time differentiating all females. I am a cute little heifer in his opinion. I guess I have to continue the waiting game. By the way, you have one very handsome bird. My Babs is still in baby stage.
i am afraid we have lost our barbara.... or she has gone broody.... she was growling at everyone yesterday, had them out this morning for their run about and she hasn't come home yet.......
we let them run for an hour in the morning, while we are doing chores... how broody are BR?

SAD UPDATE: just found her in the coop, a bin had flipped over on her breaking her neck....
my beautiful girl is gone... and all plastic bins will be removed!!
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So very sorry to hear about the accident, Robin. You must feel so sad to lose such a sweetheart. There just has to be a chicken heaven somewhere with all the good chickies who have left this earth; I hope they are all happily taking dirt baths, eating yummies and having lots of good times. Take care.
Oh Robin, so sad to lose your Barbara. We keep them as safe and happy as we can, and then some freak accident happens. It's especially hard when they've been around a few years and you get to know their personality. So sorry for your loss.

thankyou everyone, it just breaks my heart- but yes, i must remind myself it was an accident- dang- with all the predator problems lately and now this- in the last month we have lost 3 hens, and all but one of our ducks and possibly our goose, she may have gone broody, not sure, haven't found feathers anywhere from her- but it is like all at once... very discouraging- i like to think she is playing with the others we lost

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