The adventures of Barbara (BR)

I have a Barred Rock too, and he always flies right up to me if im sitting there! he lays white eggs, what color does Barbara lay?

You must mean "she", right? BRs lay brown eggs, sometimes very light brown, sometimes darker, but never white. You sure you have a BR? Barred Hollands lay white and look similar.​
That Barred Rock is even more talented than Barbara if HE lays white eggs!
The Big Egg
The Chickendads entertained their grandson, Chickenboy, this weekend. Chickenboy likes the chickens, especially Walter, and likes to gather eggs and help feed everyone treats.

It was the Barbara and Leroy gang’s turn to free range, so after the treats were gone, Chickenboy turned his attention to other things. Barbara watched as he and Chickendad went out in the field. Chickendad threw big white eggs at Chickenboy and he swatted them with a stick. One of the eggs landed near Barbara and she ran after it. She had never seen such a big egg! It must have really been ouchy to lay one like that.

Chickenboy swatted at another egg and sent it sailing over the pasture. “Wow,” thought Barbara, “that is a hard egg, it didn’t even break! And what a silly thing to do with eggs, beating them with a stick. Honestly, some people’s children . . .”

Chickenboy swatted eggs until way past the time Chickendad got tired. Chickenboy and Chickendad went inside for people treats and Barbara and the girls resumed their spa treatments under the spruce tree. People were so silly!
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It is a she, but i say he because of his attitude. i also named him Jebediah lol
. he is a Barred Holland but whenever i post that people say "Whats a barred holland? you mean barred rock?" so lately ive just been saying rock.

That Barred Rock is even more talented than Barbara if HE lays white eggs!
How do you know the difference between a Barred Rock and a Barred Holland? I have two just out of the brooder, that I thought were Barred Rocks, but maybe not?
Oh my goodness. I have been reading this blog for hours trying to catch up. It would have been easier to follow from the beginning! Barbara has me hooked, I'm subscribing to this page and EVERYTHING. I currently have five 'mystery chicks' that I think are BR's but the feed store claims they're BA's... they have white tips on their wings. Hmm... ah well, I'm getting my chickies soon enough. If they do turn out to be BR's, there's going to be four more adventures coming up and one more Leeroy! [AKA Jackson.]

Keep the good times rollin' MrsChickendad

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