The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Shhhhhhh!!! Don't let Barbara hear about it! She thinks Bob is just a flashy show off. And he doesn't have a manly round butt like Leroy. . .
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I wish I got that lucky. Right now I think I have TWO cockerels for every girl!!!!!!!!!!
Adventures with Flowers

It was a beautiful sunny, cool spring day. Barbara and Leroy were let out to explore the yard with the other Big Girls and Silver, who had been sprung from the Honeymoon Hotel. Leroy and Silver had an understanding: don’t mess with my women and I won’t mess with yours. Of course, Leroy is too little to catch Silver's Ameraucana wives, so it is a moot point.

Barbara strolled about looking for tasty worms and any bugs that came her way. Leroy always alerted her when he found something she would enjoy. Such a good Chicken Man he was!

Pretty soon they made their way over to the flower garden which Barbara had so enjoyed last year. There were lots of yellow daffodils and tulips in purple and pink. There was hosta (one of Barbara’s favorites!) coming up everywhere. Barbara thought she might spread a little mulch on the sidewalk to help Mrs. ChickenDad. And those pink Angelique tulips looked very tasty, too. Pink is her favorite flavor, you know.

As soon as Barbara set foot in the flower bed, she got stuck! There was some sort of net over the flowers and all of her toes got stuck in it. Leroy stood aside and clucked encouragement—Barbara was going to have to save herself! Barbara hopped around until the netting let go of her. Better try another place. So she went down where the pink heart bush was. Yummy! It looked so good! But again, she got tangled up in the net she couldn’t see.

Barbara was pretty disgusted by this time, so she decided to go take a nap in the nest box and wait for egg time. Buffy was in the lower left box being very cranky and broody, so she chose the upper right one. That Buffy had gotten to be a BIG girl, no doubt from all the hostas she ate with Barbara last year. No sense stirring up trouble and pointing out that Barbara wasn't the only Big Butt around.

The other girls came to investigate the flowers, but didn’t have any more success than Barbara did. Oh well, there was still the dirt bath under the pine tree. They lolled in the sun like a bunch of teenagers at the beach. The sunshine felt so good!

Barbara stalked off to lay her egg while Wanda looked for a loophole:
Just bird netting like you put over cherry trees, etc. Works great to keep the chickens out of the flowers and it isn't too noticeable. You can get it at TSC or garden centers. We also use it to cover the tops of our chicken pens, keeps the birds in and the hawks out.
Pink is her favorite flavor, you know.

That is the best line I have heard in a long time! I love Barbara and friends.
Pink is her favorite flavor, you know.

funny!! funny!! I agree with easttxchick, that is a great line!! Thanks Mrs. Chickendad for making my day! Keep the stories coming PLEASE!
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Update about the love child he has inherited his mom's tight rope walking abilities he tight ropes when ever he wants to show off for his girls, and since his girls helped him escape his jail, I found him free ranging with the girls after I put him back outside after he was dry, he has also inherited his dad's romance ability he is charming all the chickens with his crowing and dancing, he has been hanging out with the babies (2 months old) but they are getting bigger then him so he romanced the bantam EE girls and the Americauna hen there are 2 barred rock hens that he is trying to romance right now, so he is a very busy little fellow, I would love to have some of the chickens but I am at limit in town you are only allowed 15 and Leon was the 15th one added so my flock is complete for now until I move to a farm then watch out lol. but Leon is doing great he has settled in nicely and now is sleeping in the coop with the girls he has calmed down Zoe and she has started laying again so thanks again Mrs Chickendad for sending Leon to us we really love that little guy....I will post pics as soon as I get them from my phone to the computer..

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