The adventures of Barbara (BR)

Adventures in the New Year

On New Years Eve the Chickie Girls got to go outside, as it was actually above freezing. About noon it began to rain. This irritated Barbara and she ba-gawked for quite a while until Chickendad brought out flakes of hay to keep her busy and QUIET. Leroy came out of his hidey hole in the Honeymoon Hotel and dated Barbara briefly before it rained. He is still her Main Chicken Man.

A little later, the Chickendads welcomed a new BLRW rooster, Max, to the flock. Max was thought to be Maxine when he was younger and was sold to a nice couple who live in a subdivision. Max blew his cover last week by crowing mightily in the middle of the subdivision, so he had to return to his birthplace where he can be his own true self. He is quite beautiful, but that does leave the Chickendads with about three extra BLRW roosters. He is in jail for the time being, but has a big surprise in store when he moves into the Honeymoon Hotel when his pardon comes through.

The Honeymoon Hotel is being set up for the first batch of Wyandotte couples, so the boys were left in the big coop while the girls were sent to the Hotel for purification rituals. The girls are much calmer in their big roomy suites with perches and nestboxes and NO BOYS! They are up off the floor where they can view the Silly Ameraucanas and gossip about their beards and skinny butts.

This arrangement leaves Barbara and the Chickie Girls with more suitors than they would like. Luckily, the four big Wyandotte boys are sort of wallflowers and let Bob (finally Bob the Beautiful again-see photo) take the lead romancing the girls. With the temporary warmup of the weather, sunshine and green grass, the boys are starting to get the idea that spring is imminent and they should begin practicing immediately.

Bob is again Beautiful:

Over in the Cochin Coop, two Little White Roosters were busy trying to keep up with about twenty Little Girls. The Little Girls are thinking spring as well, and every day there is another egg in the box. One little Mille Fleur Cochin girl toddled over to the nest box yesterday and dutifully laid her very first egg alongside those of her big sisters. It was the size of a pecan and very charming. The Little Girl was very proud of herself.

Today is New Years Day, and while the Chickendads watched MSU get whomped by Alabama, they heard a tapping on the door. It was Barbara and the Big Chickies. They knew it was a holiday and hoped it was Halloween, so they came trick or treating. They scored the rest of the grapes and a couple slices of bread. There is still tapping outside, but it is the girls picking tasty paint flakes off the house. They turn up their beaks at apples, but readily eat paint flakes. The Chickendads are glad there is no lead paint to worry about, although latex house paint is probably not on the list of optimal diets for chickens.
A Happy 2011 to Everyone! May you get as many treats and as much loving as the Chickie Girls . . .

Barbara was at the head of the pack, while the other trick or treaters (one disguised as a headless chicken!) begged for treats.
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MSU didn't get whomped by Alabama; they were slaughtered, plucked, and put to brine. I tuned in for the last quarter and didn't even have the heart to watch it until the oh, so bitter end. And it was such a good season up until today....

Disappointed MSU grad
It was pathetic. UM got beat up badly, too. Not so upset about that . . . I went to EMU. They hadn't won a football game in 3 years until I went there. I don't think there is a connection, tho.
Note to all Barbara fans:

Chickendad is top Chicken Master for the rest of this week while Mrs. Chickendad completes her nervous breakdown. She is compiling a presentation for church that involves scanning a gajillion old photos, adding video and sound and designing the powerpoint slides. This is due Saturday evening. Mrs. Chickendad is an old broad and is missing her 9 p.m. regular bedtime every night so far. They would have to schedule this event only 2 weeks after Christmas. That is still Christmas Recovery Period.

Meanwhile, Chickendad has been stuck with all the chickenly duties, so Mrs. Chickendad does not have to remove her fingers from the computer keyboard. She has been unable to see what Barbara is up to, but it is so cold that Barbara is probably just keeping warm. Mrs. Chickendad did hear Barbara using fowl language recently (. . . heh heh heh . . ) in the coop door because there was snow outside.

Maybe we will get a weather break soon and Barbara will do something to get Mrs. Chickendad back from the edge . . .

Thanks for your patience! More to follow . . .
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