The adventures of Barbara (BR)


Little Birchen Mama and Her Babies

Little Birchen Mama took her babies on a trip to the flower bed and driveway today. Mrs. Chickendad was busy painting, but she managed to grab the camera and put together this little video about their adventure. Pay attention to the little buff rooster who is so interested in the babies. The other birds seen are from the last hatch of mille fleur babies (well, except for the white one!) and are about 4 months old.

Mrs. Chickendad has not produced a video before and was not expecting to do so today, so it is a bit rough. She also has to learn how to use the software. Here is the link:

You did a great job! Little Birchen Mama is so cute with her little fuzzy butts following her. I especially love the extra sound effects!!!


This is my Barbara (named in honor of your Barbara):

Well done with the video, Mrs Chickendad!

That is WAAAAY beyond my modest expertise!!!

And such a lovely family!

I still have the feather Barbara sent me with my Tshirt and mug. It is stuck to my kitchen cabinet along with the note she so cleverly wrote.
A lovely girl she is, too! You really should consider putting up something for her to tightrope walk on. Maybe it will occupy her mind instead of letting it get into mischief! Congrats to Bararella and her egg!
I am so envious of you Mrs. Chickendad! I live in an area that requires a homeowner's association, therefore, NO chickens allowed. I have two lovely 17 week old Orpingtons and no complaints thus far from the neighbors, but they are sweet little girls and whisper quietly to each other most of the day (until one of the dogs fly by them and then there's a lot of scolding of those nasty canines going on...fortunately, my pups think the darling hens to be backyard queens, so they are fairly courteous). We had a mistaken BR roo in my happy chick threesome when they first came to live with me in my yard...sadly, he had to find a new home as he was letting our chicken secret out louder each morning. I love, love, love the BR babes, and wish I had a little "Barbara" in my yard....maybe some day....

I love your stories, and your video, and miss Barbara along with you, but know that more Chickendad adventures will keep us chuckling...thanks for allowing me to live vicariously through the Chickendad chicken journey!!
So Cal Chick'ns :

I am so envious of you Mrs. Chickendad! I live in an area that requires a homeowner's association, therefore, NO chickens allowed. I have two lovely 17 week old Orpingtons and no complaints thus far from the neighbors, but they are sweet little girls and whisper quietly to each other most of the day (until one of the dogs fly by them and then there's a lot of scolding of those nasty canines going on...fortunately, my pups think the darling hens to be backyard queens, so they are fairly courteous). We had a mistaken BR roo in my happy chick threesome when they first came to live with me in my yard...sadly, he had to find a new home as he was letting our chicken secret out louder each morning. I love, love, love the BR babes, and wish I had a little "Barbara" in my yard....maybe some day....

I love your stories, and your video, and miss Barbara along with you, but know that more Chickendad adventures will keep us chuckling...thanks for allowing me to live vicariously through the Chickendad chicken journey!!

You sound like me, but for a different reason
I just read this whole thread over the past week! It was so entertaining as well as heart renching. I am so sorry about your loss. I also fell in love with Barbara & her friends! I am still wiping tears! I know there are more stories for such an eloquent writer and I will be following your new thread. Godspeed!

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