The African and Chinese goose thread!!

yes I sprayed yesterday & will definitely get on the breeding thread! Thanks for the heads up!
If I bring them in what am I to do? attemp the Tupperware container with cling wrap, cup of water, moist cloth, heat lamp? I have no thermometer remember. ....
yes I sprayed yesterday & will definitely get on the breeding thread! Thanks for the heads up!
If I bring them in what am I to do? attemp the Tupperware container with cling wrap, cup of water, moist cloth, heat lamp? I have no thermometer remember. ....
Hi. Well it seems you´re doing all you can to help them with the goose.
If you decide to bring them in, you could use a tub, or a cardboard box. a desk-lamp will give them some heat. they need it at around 90ºF, so pretty warm. The cling-film helps to keep the heat and humidity in, but don´t let them get too hot...spray´ll know by how they are, and what your hand tells you. And you could even put a little cloth over one side to help keep the heat in, and it also gives some relief from the almp...just play it by 'ear'. Once they´ve pipped they´re pretty well on their way, you just need to keep that membrane damp for them, and try not to get them out before they´re ready. And, of course, if it pleases you and you have the time, you could sit there with them in your hands, all snug, as your body temperature is only a bit below what they need. This is fine, as the goose would leave the eggs for a bit anyway. A little cooling is quite natural. Then spray them and put them back for a while. It takes quite a while for them to hatch. What stage are they now, do you know?
My concern is that the goose has already squashed at least one baby that made it out.
I'd probably leave eggs with the goose at this point (I do not have much hope for them). It is still early in season and your goose's 1st try. Consider this to be a valuable learning experience. Let your goose raise up her solo gosling and try again if she goes back into laying/broody mode again this year. Practice makes perfect, even for broody birds.

This is my sole survivor. ...appropriately named "Sloan" which means warrior....fitting I'd say....
no change on the remaining eggs. external pipping that I can see. I checked only once today, this evening. I figure the less I disturb her the better. I'm feeling bummed. ..wishing I had more knowledge, experience and "tools of the trade" I can't help but thinking if I knew more & had an incubator I could have saved those babies. ....
The weather was exceptionally warm today, nearly 80! And humid. ...we're getting rain now (it's almost 10:30pm here) I'm praying that this will somehow have a positive effect!
Thank you ALL for your thoughts and for being a source of comfort and hope!

This is my sole survivor. ...appropriately named "Sloan" which means warrior....fitting I'd say....
no change on the remaining eggs. external pipping that I can see. I checked only once today, this evening. I figure the less I disturb her the better. I'm feeling bummed. ..wishing I had more knowledge, experience and "tools of the trade" I can't help but thinking if I knew more & had an incubator I could have saved those babies. ....
The weather was exceptionally warm today, nearly 80! And humid. ...we're getting rain now (it's almost 10:30pm here) I'm praying that this will somehow have a positive effect!
Thank you ALL for your thoughts and for being a source of comfort and hope!
Hi Fowlmama, thanks for updating us. I expect the other eggs have died by now. Maybe next time you´ll have more confidence to interfere and take over the hatching of them if things go wrong.
It would be best to give the goose the gosling so he can imprint on them, then she can look after it. It´ll be a much happier little thing with other geese. Then, after a day, if she doesn´t leave the nest of her own accord, just take those eggs out.
Fowlmama, I hope you take Sloan (great name) to his momma. Both will be much happier if together. And please do not be too disappointed with the rough 1st hatch. It is a wondrous and joyful sight to watch a momma goose march off her nest with multiple babies in tow. I hope you give your girl another chance to sit.
Found a LIVE BABY! VERY TINY AND VERY WOBBLY but ALIVE! It's drying and resting under the heat lamp! OH SO EXCITED!
Two eggs remain. ...guess I should give a few more days for those eggs huh?

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