The Aloha Chicken Project

I like this chicken I created on it

Sommer, I'm thinking we should exchange some chicks? I should have German New Hamp/Aloha crosses by May. Let me know what you think. I would really like to have more of yours, if you have any to spare. If it will work better to exchange chicks this fall, that will work, too. Here's a pic of my last group of grow outs. They are starting to get more white -- happy me! Click on the pics to see them better. I just thought it might be easier to download for those with slower service.

The New Hamp influence is easy enough to see.

Look at the pretty girl in the center. I didn't get any ginger girls but I did get some birds with good color and more white.

This is that pretty little hen who has such an interesting color/pattern.

Look at the spotty guy with yellow legs on the right -- not bad. Hope he hangs onto those spots.

I love the spotty guy with the bright legs! I hope he keeps his spots, too!

Though if he does not keep the spots, he could be a good one to cross with Speckled Sussex or very-spotty Aloha crosses, to add yellow legs to those.

I should send you all a bunch of chicks, and please save the chick-shipping boxes. Then send a box back to me this Fall, that would be great!

I think that would be best? I'm guessing that the longer we wait, the further your progress will be. Not to mention, the "danger time" in Phoenix is the summer, so if you send a box to me in October or even November, that would be ideal. I'll probably send you chicks first then, Karen, as I'll be working with the Swedish crosses to start. Then, I'll set aside "American-only" Alohas for Taz. Our new KS member can choose extras from either strain, or both!

Very excited! Oh, and speaking of "exciting" here is the latest. Two chicks from stock that Derek hatched and brought over here. My most promising baby roos!

The top one is orange and white - maybe another "Pumpkin" and white roo? But he has YELLOW legs! Whooot! And SO MUCH WHITE. He also is not small, either. He may simply be older than some of the chicks, but at this point, he's one of the largest babies in the yard! So far, his tail sticks out further than any other chick. His type is a bit more thin and "gamey". Perhaps his dad is the Swedish Roo?

Below him is another roo with vibrant yellow legs and tons and tons of white. Now, I find it hard to believe that this guy will lose ALL of that white??? I hope not! His body type is more stout, deeper through the chest. Tails is looking stubby. Or . . . could this be a very nice hen? Hmmm. I have no idea!

Here are a few more of what I think are hens . . .

Above: This hen (I think it's a hen?) is "for sure" All-American Aloha!!! Dad would be one of the sons of Cheeto, which would make her Cheeto's grand-daughter.

(She lacks the yellow legs but oh well . . . still should have good body type with the Cheeto bloodlines in her background.)

The above hen has yellow legs, and could be either a pure Aloha or a part-Swedish Flower. Either way, not looking like a pure Swedish, but she's big and colorful with a single comb with yellow legs, so it's an Aloha!

While there are still months to go before these are grown, here is the good news:

1. Out of 30+ chicks, so far in the last few weeks, none has started to "deteriorate" in type or spotting completely. In other words, I'm still looking for culls and not finding any at this point!

2. I bought two hatchery Speckled Sussex chicks, and mixed them in with the Cheeto grand-chicks. They were all hatched the same week. So far, ALL of the babies are THE SAME SIZE!


I'm trying REALLY hard not to get too excited . . . . still have a few more months to see if we get the dreaded "spot fade". I hope not!

If nothing changes, we may have our first serious batch of "real" Aloha Chickens to show the world! (FINALLY.)
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The New Hamp influence is easy enough to see.

Hmm, or you could even cross the spotty hen with the yellow-legged spotty roo, and try to "lock in" the color, but keep only the babies with yellow legs?

I also see to the left of that hen, a roo with a stubby tail but really nice body type. Deep chest, looks big, yellow legs. Possible spot carrier?

Very pretty stuff, Karen!
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Sommer --- Oh my gosh! Beautiful birds! I'm so excited about all the great progress! You are getting so close to the real deal!!!

And yes, that big, red, stubby tailed roo to the left is a spot carrier. And now we wait and watch those spots. Eeekss!
I have one gigantic Swedish Flower that is a solid red with white legs. Huh? The young woman where I got the eggs doesn't have any speckled sussex or red birds on the premises, so it's very curious how this one got white legs and a solid body. Although, all of my Swedish Flowers do have lighter yellow legs. Anyway, this red guy is huge. He is bigger than all the other Swedish Flowers and came out of the largest egg as well. He should be carrying all kinds of color too. We'll see.

I'll be sure to keep the shipping box for returning chicks to you in the fall. October and November aren't too cold here, either so it should be a really good time to ship.

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