The Aloha Chicken Project

Alohachickens and Deerfield here is pics I took today of the little roo I hatched from one of the hens Deerfield was so gracious to let me purchase.

If I remember right (correct me if I am wrong) the hen was hatched from some eggs dropped off to Deerfield on the side of the highway last year by Notinoz. She had been in a pen with one of Deerfields Speckled Sussex roos. If I have all that right, that gives you a low down of his lineage.

He is sooooo sweet!

Here is a chest shot.

His legs and feet are what I would call tan. Not white but not yellow.

What do you think Sommer?
5moore, you've got it right! How cute!

Funny you posted, I just took pics today to show everyone how the "jet setters" are coming along.

One of the birds you can see a little bit of purple by the wing -- that's the wing band. I banded and weighed each Aloha today so I can track their growth as they continue to mature. They are 6 weeks old and just went into a pen inside the hen house to acclimate to the great outdoors.

The number on the paper corresponds to their wing band numbers. All of them wanted to sit on the paper. Have no idea why.




#207 is the heaviest at 16.97 oz. and #211 is the lightest at 12.73 oz. So that's a wide range of weights. Dare I say #207 is my favorite? I hate to jinx her but she is exactly what I was hoping for color-wise. Least favorite is #214.

There is one other Aloha chick that had pasty butt early on and just failed to thrive like the others. I am planning to cull it because it developed severely curled toes. I've never seen anything like it.

I think I have plenty of white on these birds. It's going to be interesting to watch them continue to mature. And how 'bout those red-heads? Isn't that funny? #201 and #204 are really different.
I am so pleased to see these pics - isn't it amazing what difference a few weeks can make in these guys? They are showing a promising amount of white and I'm seeing a few that look really promising already.

Notinoz - thanks
#207 is the heaviest at 16.97 oz. and #211 is the lightest at 12.73 oz. So that's a wide range of weights. Dare I say #207 is my favorite? I hate to jinx her but she is exactly what I was hoping for color-wise. Least favorite is #214.

And how 'bout those red-heads? Isn't that funny? #201 and #204 are really different.
#207 is also my favorite. I think #210 is my second favorite at this point. However, they change so dramatically as they mature, who knows? Just hoping they don't drop the white at four months like so many of them do. The "Little Yellow Legs" pen (some of these eggs were from that) was bred for pure color. I see a few barred ones from Raymond's Roo pen. #215 is likely from that pen and looks very Swedish to me - probably because I have three pure Swedish hens in there with Raymond's Roo.

I wonder if #213 will keep that amount of white acreage on her markings. I hope so.

I have absolutely NO IDEA what is up with the red-heads. Don't know what color that is, why it is there, or anything about it! The only clue I have found so far was over in the "Calico Cochins" thread. That's where some folks are basically also breeding for the Aloha "super mottled" pattern, but using Mille Cochins to do it. One gal did have a rooster chick that turned out like that, with the red head and tons of white on the body. But he did not make it to breeding age. The red-head thing is not an effect I'm going for but I do wish I understood what it is and why it is happening.

Oh, and here's a few new pics of the grow-outs that are also related to these chicks of yours. Like you, I don't really know what they will turn out looking like because we're using new roos:


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