The Animals of our local Shelter

We've got some new residents at the shelter right now, waiting to get through quarantine or be claimed by their owners.

This here is Caliber, a brindle mix-breed male who is very shy and uncertain of people but a sweetie. I think he came in with Canon.

This is Canon, another mix-breed, possibly with some Shepherd dog in there. He is younger and less shy, though still uncertain around people. However, you can just see his loving personality in his eyes.

LadyBug the cute little brindle girl! She's so adorable! We'll see if she got claimed or not when I go back on Saturday. Poison ivy all over my face and hands made me take a couple days off.

Marlot is getting much better around people and is willing to come and get a treat now instead of just hiding. Great progress girl! Keep up the good work!

Fuzz Bucket got returned to his owner!!! Yay!!

I certainly very sad, though, at the loss of the wonderful dog, Snoopy. No one wanted him because of his issues with other dogs, but he was just so great with people I can't believe it. I'll miss him so much. He was such a great guy. I feel so helpless sometimes working with animals and then having them die. General passed away as well. Very sad couple of days to be sure. : (
Things went well today. It was very hot, but the dogs enjoyed their time outside anyways. Prices are lowered at the Humane Society as part of the "Clear The Shelters" program going on. The two yorkie sisters, Coco and Pebbles, were adopted today.

Meteor is a border collie x lab female. 9 months old and almost ready for adoption, she is getting past a skin issue. She is very friendly and enjoys following people around over running off on her own.

Hancock is a mischevious 10-month-old Hound x Shepherd mix who is very sweet but likes to pretend to ignore me when I call him. The silly guy is still a pup though, he just adores being with people. He doesn't even lift his leg yet!!

LouLou is one year old. She is a brown and white Pit Bull x Hound mix female that loves to jump and would be great for frisbee or agility. I have seen few dogs as good at her at getting so high so easily.

Durango is a 7-year-old stray Hound x Boxer (that's a guess on his breed mix). He is very friendly and loves treats and attention.

Margot is still in quarantine but is getting far more trusting with time. She is a pit-mix female, but I'm not sure of her age or what other breeds could be in her yet.

This little guy is just a pup, Grimes. He is a Border Collie found by the dog warden and will hopefully be claimed by an owner soon.

BJ the Shar Pei mix (likely with some kind of rat terrier in there, maybe beagle). He has a TON of energy and is very strong and fast, great for running games, fetch, ect. He is very friendly as well and adores being with people. He likes to feel as though he can keep people safe and is intelligent and focused. He is 2-years-old and was found as a stray.

Not the greatest picture, but I didn't want to disturb him since he was chilling. This is our blind dude, Benji. He is up for adoption!!

Julie "Jaws" (my JJ girlie) is a Chihuahua that is so old she only has half a jaw and one eye. However, she doesn't let that slow her down. This tough girl keeps on keeping-on and is sweet and lively, even in her elderly age.

Canon the shepherd mix. I think he is under a year old and is shy but sweet.

Lady-bug, friendly and energetic, she adores attention and being with people. She is brindle in color and I'm pretty sure under a year in age.

Spike, a Maltese male who will hopefully be claimed by his owners soon. He is a sweet little guy.

Danby got issues with a possible hematoma after getting neutered, but he is doing well and simply being treated for that before being put up for adoption. He remains obedient, friendly and calm.

Henry, a male mix-breed with one blue eye and one brown. He was returned to his owners today!! Yay!!

Lester, a, 8-month-old stray. He likely has some rat terrier of some kind in there, something that makes him small but incredibly energetic and excited to play and run. He is brindle in color and awesome with people.

We also still have Coco and Brandy in the back, Comet and Cinnamon being held, Delilah the puppy, Jimmy, Ryker, and Marx in quarantine, and Karmin, Hartley, Morton and Niko up for adoption. Katia, Shelby, Garrick and Clancy remain in foster.
Clementine went to her new home!! Awesome!!
A new stray, an elderly Australian Cattle Dog, came in but will hopefully be claimed by his owner. If not, he will go through quarantine and get put up for adoption. Best of luck buddy! : )
We've had some adoptions!! Morton and Hancock have both found their forever homes and Karmin is pending her adoption. Spike, the maltese mix, will likely be quick to find his home as well, as he is sweet and cute. Sweet and cute dogs go quickly.

This is a stray that got brought in before being reconnected with his owner. : )

A pug mix that got returned with his owner. Yay!!

A new stray, a dachshund, that got brought in today.

A boxer that came in with the dachshund.

Gatsby the corgi mix, waiting for his quarantine to be finished.

Grant, a pit-bull mix still in quarantine.

A picture through a window, so not the best, of a 4 month old German Shepherd mix puppy that was brought in recently. His name is Malloy.

Sweet and excited, this is Meteor.

Lester the terrier mix, enjoying a stroll in the run.

Spike, the maltese mix is now up for adoption! He is very sweet and friendly. He got a hair cut on his belly and face to help him stay clean and cool.

LadyBug is a female mix-breed, around 1 year of age, she is brindle like Lester but a little larger than him. However, she is just as energetic, but also very sweet. : )

Cannon the young German Shepherd mix male is now up for adoption! He is a little shy but also gentle, sweet and playful. I love his coloration and lean body.

Durango the 7-year-old is still available for adoption, nice and healthy, energetic and friendly.

Delilah just keeps getting larger. She is very playful and mischevious and needs a home that has the energy to keep up with her and to train her to be the wonderful adult she can be.

Also still here are LouLou, BJ, Comet (still being held for her owner), Karmin (adoption pending), Benji (the blind dog), Grimes (I think he may have been adopted today!!), Ryker, Danby, Margot (getting less fearful), Caliber (also getting less fearful), Marx (my boy), Brandy, Coco, and in foster Garrick, Clancy, Shelby and Katia.
Poor LouLou injured herself apparently and is on pain medication. I gave her a gentle massage and let her out to use the bathroom before putting her back in her kennel for much needed rest and recovery. She was so sweet about it though, the good girl.

We've also got a number of cats available. My five foster kittens will be getting put up for adoption soon! I'll miss them a lot but wish them the very best. : )
Not many recent adoptions but all the dogs here are settling in well and many of the dogs in quarantine are getting put up for adoption. : )

Turns out, the young German Shepherd mix pup, Malloy, isn't shy at all. He is sweet and excited to be with anyone. He is actually up for adoption!

Delilah is up for adoption still too. She is around 3 months old now and has some biting issues because no one has had the time to give her the training she craves. I sure hope she finds the perfect family that understand she was taken from her mother too young to learn how to be gentle.

This mini schnauzer is a new girl, Jenna, and she is still in quarantine. She seems a bit shy but underneath that fur she is probably an awesome, sweet dog.

This terrier mix is Jarvis. He came in either with Jenna or at least on the same day. He is also still in quarantine.

Vanna has been fixed and is now walkable but is waiting for the go-ahead for adoption. She's a sweetie and a pretty girl, I'm sure she'll find a home quickly. : )

Ryker is still in quarantine but he is actually walkable now! I got to let him out for the first time today and he was great, very friendly and happy to stroll around. He has some worm issues he is getting over with medication, but for now it involves a lot of cleaning up messy poop in his enclosure to help him feel better. Thankfully, we have a hose. : )

Danby continues to get over his issues as he works towards his chance to be put up for adoption. He is a sweetie and still very calm, which is a nice change for once. LOL. : )

Gatsby was fixed today and will hopefully be up for adoption soon. He is shy and uncertain about some things, but a real sweetie and cute too!!

Jaeger the mix-breed puppy was neutered today also.

Ziva the dachshund was spayed I think yesterday and I got to walk her for the first time today. She is sweet but very excitable in that she doesn't want to go in the direction you are walking. She is easily distracted (sort of like me, so I can't blame her). : )

Malloy out on his walk.

A new male brown lab brought in by the dog warden. He looks like he had a pretty good home his whole life so hopefully someone claims him. Reunions between dog and owner are always nice.

This dude here is a Jack Russel x Pit-bull (or possibly bull-dog) mix. His name is Grant and he is now up for adoption. He is a little odd in shape but a sweet pup none the less. His tail is so funny in that it is stiff like a paint-brush. : )

Gatz outside with me.

Ziva outside on her walk.

And her cute face too!!

May not be the best picture, but this is Ryker outside. He walks with this funny lope, so he may look like he is doing a funny dance but he was actually enjoying his time outdoors.

My first time letting the supposedly nervous and growly Caliber out. Turns out, he is totally different outside of his kennel. Excited, loving, even puppy-like! He can jump and run like crazy too, just like the dog he was brought in with, Cannon, who is already up for adoption. Hopefully Caliber can go up for adoption soon too.

Grant again, showing off how his tail sticks straight up.

We still have Durango, BJ, Lester, Benji, LadyBug, Cannon, Meteor, and Spike up for adoption, Spike was adopted but then returned the next day. I don't think people think through that small dogs aren't all cuddles and need time and patience if they are barking or have energy that they need to work out. Even little dogs need walks and exercise. Hopefully he can find a new forever home that understands him.
Marx is up for special adoption (because of his behavior issues he needs to go to a home that understands dogs. He is an awesome dog, I like to call him "my special boy" but he isn't for just anyone). Margot is working on getting less nervous and is making great progress. LouLou continues to get over her injured back and neck and for now is not up for adoption because of it. She can't go out in the run either and can only be walked by staff members so that she doesn't injure herself trying to run or jump. Poor girl, I hope she gets better soon. We can't give her too much pain medication or she will injure herself worse because she'll think she's fine without the pain, so we have to let her feel a little bit of it so she will be careful with herself.

Brandy and Coco are still with us and Garrick, Katia, Shelby and Clancy remain in foster. A new dog came in, small and probably white, but it was suffering from bad parasite problems and was probably missing half of its fur. I'm so glad it could come to a place where it will get the love, care, and medical attention it needs.

But guess what, Karmin is pending adoption!!! Yay!!! I mean, it's official now, someone is very interested in her. They are planning on moving to a larger house I think before taking her, so she'll get a nice large yard hopefully to run just like she loves too. : )
I love Ziva! She sorta reminds me of our Beagle with her long ears and adorable, loving face! Poor LouLou, hopefully she gets better soon and can be put back up for adoption. :( Durango is very cute (handsome :oops: ), do you know what breed he is or is he a mix of some sort?
Thanks. : )

Durango is a Boxer mix (I'm thinking some hound maybe because of his bay?).

As for sweet LouLou, she had to be put-down because of the injuries to her back and neck. It was very sad, but I do know we gave her a love, clean, nice place to stay and that she was happy. No matter how short a dogs life, it is the quality, not quantity, that matters.
RIP LouLou.

On the bright side, Karmin and Ladybug have been adopted!! Gatsby (my Gatz boy) and Lester are both pending adoption and my buddy, Marx, is up for special adoption (a home that understands dog behavior) so a lot of good things have happened as well. Malloy and Delilah, being puppies, will probably adopted soon, as will the little maltese mix, Spike (he was adopted but returned the next day because he was stressed and having diarrhea. He hadn't really bonded with his new owner so hopefully he can find the perfect home for him).

Vanna, Ryker, Caliber, Taro, Jaeger, Ziva, Meteor, Benji, Lewiston, Jarvis, and Jenna will likely be up for adoption soon and are making great progress in quarantine. Niko and Nadia have both been returned, which is sad but at least they will get loving care while they wait for a new home instead of just having a frustrated owner their whole lives. I'm sure they will find great homes soon as well.

Durango, Grant, BJ, and Cannon are waiting their turns to be adopted. Danby, Izzy (the new girl), and Garrick are working past health issues while Katia, Shelby, and Clancy are in foster. Margot, Brandy and Coco are also in foster.

I'll post pictures soon. : )
Up-date on the doggies.

We've had a lot of new dogs coming in and not many being adopted, but thankfully many of the residents have gone through quarantine and are getting ready for their chance at a new home.

Ziva was spayed and will hopefully be up for adoption by tomorrow. Being a pure-bred, she will likely find a new home quickly.

Taro is getting past his health issues but is making progress as well. A bath certainly helped with that and the little cutie will hopefully continue on his road to recovery.

Ryker is friendly, getting healthier and allowed to go on walks now so hopefully he can be neutered and put up for adoption soon as well.

Niko was returned and is up for adoption again. As friendly as ever, he got to be reunited with his buddy, Fender, for the time he is here. I'm not sure what he thinks of the little girl, Izzy, but he seems pretty happy right now. Hopefully he can find another family to take him.

Lewiston will likely be going up for adoption. He is already neutered, is friendly, and is a lab, all things that go in favor for him. He's a good boy, if not a little older, and will make someone a wonderful, loyal companion.

Little Izzy is getting spayed today. She is a tiny little girl who will be getting spayed today and put up for adoption. She's not so great with strangers, but once she sees you are a friend she is a sweetie with good energy and an adorable little face.

A rabbit that was brought in, this girl I think might have been adopted, but I'll have to ask. I didn't get to work today but hopefully will get in tomorrow.

Spike sniffing a ball.

Durango saying hello to Vanna, who is being put up for adoption! Yay for her!

Marx is making great progress and is being put up for "special adoption". He is very energetic, but seems pretty good with other dogs and people, especially once he gets to know them.

Delilah the Pit-bull mix puppy saying hello. I love her ears!

Lester enjoying his exercise. He was pending adoption but I think the family changed their mind. This is the second time that has happened. I hope the little guy can find his forever home soon.

Benji taking a stroll outside.

Grant running around the little doggy play-ground. He seemed really into it. : )

Nadia was returned and is going to be up fora doption again. BJ remains up for adoption while Gatz is waiting for his family to come get him. At least three new dogs came in since Sunday, but I didn't get a chance to really meet them. I think there was a Benntly and a Doolie and then one other that was a pit bull mix.
Malloy is up for adoption and Jenna and Jarvis will hopefully be soon.Danby is working on gaining back the weight he lost. Margot and Caliber remain in quarantine until they get the go-ahead.

We've got the four dogs in foster and then the "sisters" Coco and Brandy. I'm not sure if there were any other dogs or not, but it was very busy. Hopefully some of the doggies will be adopted so that it isn't so chaotic. It's hard for the animals and the staff to relax and just enjoy each others company when it is too crowded.

Hope to update you all again soon!

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