The Antler Mountains ~A Wolf RP~

Tayuga, being a pup had no sense of time and after what felt like ages to him but was realistically probably only five, ten minutes, he growled lightly and turned his muzzle back up to howl again. He howled longer this time, almost a minute before he stopped, panting slightly, he wasn’t used to howling.
Chandi was unbothered and was busy climbing nearby trees for fun.
"Ok...." Alexander replied still not sure what to do. He went right next to Uhtred to catch Blazer if he slid off or if Uhtred stumbled.
Álfr shrugged and started leading the way back to her den.
Uhtred kept himself steady as possible and followed as fast as he could without stumbling or dropping the other wolf.
Whip was being a bit of a problem and trying to walk directly under Uhtred which slowed his progress even more.
Álfr shrugged and started leading the way back to her den.
Uhtred kept himself steady as possible and followed as fast as he could without stumbling or dropping the other wolf.
Whip was being a bit of a problem and trying to walk directly under Uhtred which slowed his progress even more.
Alexander walked up against Uhtred the whole way. Eventually he caught on to Whip and grawled at her. "Better get closer to your mother." He told her hoping she'd listen.

Gerald followed behind.
Eventually Tayuga (probably only 15 minutes later) got extremely irritated as he was hungry and bored and started howling and barking and yapping as loudly as he could in all directions.
Chandi, bothered by all the noise, prepared to pounce from a tree high above. He aimed himself perfectly and pounced on his adoptive brother. Cutting his yaps up suddenly.
Tayuga let out a big yelp and fell deadly silent. He put his ears back and went after his genet brother, but Chandi was faster than him and easily avoided him and climbed back up a tree.
Tayuga went back to his yapping and Chandi got as high as he could in the tree trying to not hear as much but not trying to leave.
Alexander walked up against Uhtred the whole way. Eventually he caught on to Whip and grawled at her. "Better get closer to your mother." He told her hoping she'd listen.

Gerald followed behind.
Uhtred was glad for the support and that he wasn’t being treated like an enemy and allowed himself a small smile under the strain of the big wolf on his back.
Whip growled right back at him and bit his foot but went up to Álfr.
Uhtred was glad for the support and that he wasn’t being treated like an enemy and allowed himself a small smile under the strain of the big wolf on his back.
Whip growled right back at him and bit his foot but went up to Álfr.
Alexander yipped at the bite, though it was more out of being startled. He got behind, but went back to where he was.

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