The "Ask Anything" to Nicalandia Thread

Is she Boss Hen at the Coop? She was pecking on the color changing hen. Was it you recording the video? It seems like you caught a cold but otherwise have a nice voice.
She's one of the head hens, but has never picked on her own daughter until she changed colors.

Yep, me recording the video. I just got over the flu, but getting over a month long sinus infection.
Random question from a random guy hopping on this thread.

What would crossing BBS and Lavender (Self Blue) look like?

I don't know how people breeding lavenders feel about it, but most people breeding blues try to keep lavender out of their flock because, as a general rule, darker blues are considered more correct/more desirable and because blue should have strong lacing while lavender is paler and has no lacing.

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