The baby is in bad shape. The mommy is crying, first time culling


Chicken Storyteller
11 Years
May 20, 2008
This chick pushed out of it's shell about 15 hours ago. At first, it's belly looked REALLY orangy, and I figured it hadn't absorbed the yolk. The shell was still attached at the center( where the scrambled egg looking blob is). When I got home from work, I noticed the stringy thing connected from belly to eggshell was dried up, so I cut the shell free.
It looks like, in the picture, there is like a membrane attached to the belly, but it isnt.. Thats the belly.
It is moving its legs, but I am not sure its toes are wiggling. I put down a soft towel, and laid it on its belly, thinking maybe that will alow it to excercise its feet a little.

Any ideas? Anyone have anything like this ? any thoughts? I'm not sure it's the yolk. He looks like he has a very- VERY swollen belly..

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I am not a chicken expert (yet ha ha), but I have been a veterinary nurse for the past 12 years and have delivered my fair share of animal babies. I believe that chick's abdomen did not close correctly, has a deformity. I would cull it if nature has not already. BUT LIKE I SAID I AM NOT A CHICKEN EXPERT...... But in the vet world that would not be a good sign... I look forward to seeing what the real experts

I think you are right.. I touched his belly, and the side is all squishy.
I just made a little gas chamber for him..

Oh, I feel like crap right now...
I'm so sorry this happened to you and your chick.
I think you are doing the right thing for him. You are very brave and compassionate.
I helped out on a commercial chicken farm for a while, and had to cull chickens, even little day olds. I hated to do it, but it had to be done. And I did.
But this little one.. I'm in tears, and hoping I put enough baking soda and vinegar into his bowl to make him go to sleep. I kissed hm and told him he would be better off....
Honey, you did the right and humane thing. Just think how horrible of a death he would have had in the long run. I hate this part of it.

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