~~~The Band of Sagemint~~~ RP

Alborozo led her into Jay's camp. "Mocking Jay." He said cooly. "I have brought her. Now release Ash Fire."

Jay stood partially hidden in the shadows, the moonlight turning his blue coat to silver. Without speaking to Alborozo, he turned his head and nodded to something that wasn't visible.

Sitka looked around quickly, her eyes widening "Brought me for what? Alborozo, why did you bring me here?"
There was a faint rustling in the bushes behind Mocking Jay as Amarillo Rose dragged Ash Fire out and dropped him at Alborozo's feet, sneering at both of them as she backed up to stand behind Jay.

Sitka turned to Jay, her heart beat increasing as she realized what was happening. "You mean your just... trading me, to get Ash Fire back?" Her eyes widened with terror "You giving me to a murderer?"
Alborozo's gaze only hardened when he saw Ash Fire's body. He cursed at Jay, then bent down to whisper in Sitka's ear. "I'm giving you to your father. Or Jay would've killed Lightning if you stayed in Sagemint." He nudged the filly forward. "Mocking Jay, I give you Sitka, your daughter."

Beside Jay, Dark Falls' jaw tensed. She opened her mouth to say something, but closed her mouth with a snap. Alborozo looked over, and their eyes locked.
Sitka stepped back away from Alborozo, her eyes wide with shock. "My... my father?" She choked out, barely able to form the words.

Mocking Jay smiled pleasantly at Alborozo, but before he could reply he noticed the reaction from Dark Falls. His icy blue eyes watched them with mild interest and curiosity.
Dark Falls stepped forward to him, her ears flattening. "It was you!" She cursed at him, then reared, slamming her hooves into his chest, sending him staggering back in surprise. "You were the one that killed my family, weren't you?! YOU were Lightning's helper!" She screeched, her eyes burning. "You were the piece of crap that allied Lightning!"
Alborozo's face registered shock at first, then remembrance. "Yes, it was me."
Mocking Jay made no move to intervene, he simply watched with thoughtful blue eyes. Amarillo Rose stood beside him, watching intently aswell.

Sitka stood stock still, to shocked to move.
"What's wrong with you?!" Dark Falls thundered. "You're the one who has something wrong!" Alborozo shot back. "You're my brother!" Dark Falls countered, close to crying at this point.

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