New to all this but have a small tractor. Either want 3 orpingtons or several bantams. Are they still as quiet and how big do the eggs get? Sized for baking still? Not really trying to hatch eggs so wouldn't like the broodiness I've read about, but could deal with it, I'm sure.
Hello there,
I'm new to bantam orps. Just curious if they mature faster than their LF Orp cousins. I have a pair that I believe were hatched around new years eve. The roosters comb and wattles aren't fully developed yet but are very pinkish red. Both of them are starting to cluck like adults....just wondering how long I have before my little guy starts to crow. They are in my unfinished basement right now. Their brooder is cleaned every other day so there is no smell thank goodness. It's still cold up here in Michigan and I'm reluctant to move them out to the current coop till it warms up a bit. I'm a willing victim of chicken math and I am also going to build another coop as soon as I can sink a few poles in the ground. A couple more weeks and I can hit the ground runnin' with that.:)
I'm also curious about their personality. My chocolates are very much lap birds,.however my little guy will pick a fight with the other young cockerels. Is that normal? I have LF lemon cuckoos around the same age and they seem to get along just fine. Not really an issue as long as he remains respectful of people, just wondering what to expect.




;) My new chocolates.

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