I have a Mauve pair, and a Blue pullet from Brandi. I'm happy with them so far, I plan on outcrossing them the pure English import bantams to work on correcting type. The lacing on my little Blue hen is beautiful. She's grown a lot since this pic from a few weeks ago.

ETA: They're going into their breeder coop this weekend, I'll try to get some updated pics then.
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I have a Mauve pair, and a Blue pullet from Brandi. I'm happy with them so far, I plan on outcrossing them the pure English import bantams to work on correcting type. The lacing on my little Blue hen is beautiful. She's grown a lot since this pic from a few weeks ago. ETA: They're going into their breeder coop this weekend, I'll try to get some updated pics then. :)
Thanks for the recommendation. I've always wanted bantam orps and bbs are my fave variety! Is Brandi on byc? I don't have facebook and can't find a website for her... thanks!
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I’m working on a new pen just for very broody hens, their chicks and maybe a rooster to replace my incubator and I’m trying to decide which breed(s) to use.
-In general, how broody are Bantam Orpingtons?
-Are certain Orpington colors more broody than others?
-Are there breeders that breed for broodiness?
A few pics from today...

Blue pullet, really liking this girl.

Mauve pair... chicken kisses!

Mauve pullet.

& not the greatest pic, but this is my main breeding roo for this season, a Black split Choc male.

I've been following this thread since I have english chocolate bantams. I'd love an english blue bantam to add to my flock. Let me know if anyone has one. Here are some pics if mine...and their new chicks.



I also have large fowl English orps in blue and black, and my first chicks from my pair just hatched out 10 chicks!


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