The best breed?


Jan 30, 2021
Houston, Texas
What are your opinions on the best breed of chickens? It could be layers, ornamental, best tempered, anything. In my opinion, seramas are beautiful and rather well tempered birds... if you raise them right. Anyone know a dominant hen breed? I'm looking to add one to my flock.
I really like Speckled Sussex. They have a great temperament, as they’re calm but friendly and often energetic birds. They have such big personalities too.
What are your opinions on the best breed of chickens? It could be layers, ornamental, best tempered, anything. In my opinion, seramas are beautiful and rather well tempered birds... if you raise them right. Anyone know a dominant hen breed? I'm looking to add one to my flock.
Honestly my favorites would have to be Rhode Island’s for layers, and Ameraucanas for all around

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