the best breed!


artistic fowlism
16 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Yamhill County, Oregon
ok people ! so i have heard of lots of diffrent kinds of chicken breeds from show, to layers, to meat. but what i want to know is what you think the BEST all around breed of chicken is and why , it could be for beauty, egg production, best eaten, or friendlyness, or whatever! so here it goes, tell me what you think!ohh.. and THANKS!!
LOL. Aren't you asking for trouble?LOL

Of course people have different ideas on the "perfect" or "best" breed is.. I haven't found my "perfect" or "best" breed yet, because I haven't owned every breed..

Although, my personal favorite so far has been the Mottled Java Chickens. They are good free rangers, good egg layers, pretty to look at, enough meat to eat, friendly enough to handle, very very rare and even historical! Daniel Webster had a pair of Javas he would show.. Cool, huh?

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I think there are a couple threads like this out there. My 'core;' breed...i.e. the breed I won't be w/o are Barred Rocks. The sell well, the lay well, they are friendly, big enough to eat for sure, and I think they are pretty - both hens and roos. Only prob I have w/them is I think they are my dog's favorite breed to RIRs (note - I am referring to my chicken killing dog)
This question has as many potential answers as there are chicken owners.
For me, it is every breed I have. I find my flighty "don't touch me" birds endearing for their independent, "I can take on the world" attitude (these would be my EE and GLW). I love my little snuggle buns for the kisses and cuddles (my BR, 2 White Leghorns, RIR, and Red Star). My roo is perfect, goofy, charming.....he is a Golden Campine. So, they are ALL perfect!
If I HAD to pick a fave though, it would be Puff, the smallest of my Leghorns. She falls asleep with me holding her, is beautiful (something about pure, perfect, white) and lays a big, perfect, white egg every single day.
I guess it is all in what makes you happy.
Cochin & Brahma's

These are the 2 breeds I did try to stay away from in the begning because I thought they would eat alot! but, they are great foregors & eat no more than the others!

Personalities are great!
Just a frendly opinion here

I think the best is the Buff Orpingtons if you are looking for house-petish personalities in an outside-living layer bird (If that makes sense
) My BO LOVES to be picked up and loves to be the center of attention and lays lots of eggs and is hardy when it comes to weather.

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