The best part of having chickens

I love the fact that when I let my flock out for the day they run as fast as possible to the patio and then always run back to me. When I go inside for a few minutes they come to my bedroom sliding doors and peck at it until I go back out to them. They really brighten my days especially in the winter months.
I love all of my chickens.

My father teases me when I send him pics of the girl's shenanigans. He says I've gone to the hens.

My girls free-range in a good side backyard, yet whenever I'm out there, all the interesting stuff is around me, regardless of whether or not I have food or treats.

I spend a good amount of time outside after work and on the weekends. I can sit out there for hours watching them, listening to them, etc. If I get cold, I go in their coop to warm up for a few minutes.
They are the gateway to food security (eggs, meat, and excellent compliments to the garden).

Welcome to BYC, littleboots! If you need any info on where to find chicken stuff locally, let me know.

We love having the chickens for the marvelously fresh eggs, the chance to teach our grandchildren a little about self-sufficiency, and for the pleasure of sitting and watching the hens being hens. The rhythm of cleaning the coop, keeping the water clean (and unfrozen), and gathering eggs is quite peaceful. We've put two lawn chairs by the run so we can sit and watch the girls. Somehow those chickens can transport me a million miles from work deadlines and the ordinary stresses of life.
Me, too!! I wondered if I were the only person who pulls up a chair to just sit, watch, and listen to their little cooing and clucking noises. I love watching them (all 3!) eat, drink, peck, and scratch around. I used to stay in bed until 9am because I had no good reason to get up. Now I'm awake with the chickens! I so enjoy letting them out each morning (even the really cold mornings we've had this winter) and setting up their food and water and tossing about some BOSS. And they're always happy to see me! Don't you love when they come running over?!

I'm dealing with illness just now (diagnosed this morning with coccidiosis in one girl, so am treating all 3 for the next 7 days), but am hopeful she'll recover...
I love my ladies and everything they do, but I think my favorite is their personalities! I have a diva named Dreamcatcher, while her sister Henrietta is a much more motherly, quiet hen. When we added some bantam Cochins to our flock, Henrietta adopted them right away as her children- she cares for them everyday and it just warms my heart!
The best part of having chickens,,, I can sit and watch them for hours on end. They are so comical. I have a couple red stars that cant wait until i come outside. They would follow me around the neighborhood if I let them. Not to mention, they are the only pets we have ever had that pays their own way. I am addicted and cant imagine not having the circus in the backyard.
What's not to's great getting out amongst them, having them follow you about. When you raise them, you really get to know their personalities. I've got mumma's girls, moody ladies and everyone in between. And having little chicks throw themselves at you is a special thing. It's great being their go-to for cuddles and security :)

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