The best table top incubator? what are they

That's great that you have so many sportsmans. However for the vast majority of people on this board having an incubator that hatches hundreds of eggs at a time is of little to no use. This thread asked for tabletop incubators, not large units. I myself at some point would like a cabinet incubator, but for most an incubator that can hatch 40ish eggs (like the Hovabator which is made by the company that makes the sportsman) is more than enough. This isn't meant to be rude, but I think it slightly silly to encourage people to buy huge incubators for no reason other than it isn't styrafoam.

The sportsman are not huge.

Just pointing out you can get a used one for the cost of 2 of the styroforms ones.

After you get one of these small cabinet incubator. You will understand my post. Almost trouble free,and last for years. Only take 1 1/2 ft. X 2 1/2 ft floor space.

Understand you view. Cost of a new one is around 600.00.

The better table top are the Lyon Roll-X and they cost about 600.00 also and hold less than a 100 eggs. Turn-X by Lyon hold 24 eggs. These 2 are some of the best table tops.
They also last for years,so used ones sell on ebay. these also are almout trouble free.
Deerman~ I agree with you, I'd love a sportsman some time in the future if my needs demand one. I was just pointing out that this thread was about tabletop incubators. Most people on here probably don't have a need for something so large, as there are a vast majority of chicken hobbiest on this board who are hatching for their own enjoyment, not to hatch and sell loads of chicks.

I wish the hovabator wasn't styrafoam. I've never had a problem with it, it does a great job, but something easier to disinfect would be nice.
Doens't say how many eggs it holds.

Sara, thank you.. allass Yes.. Im a hobbiest by definition. I have learned from this thread that I do want an incubator and a hatcher. I also still only want table top modles. I would prefer something about 40 eggs. I don't even have 40 chickens LOL..

My goal is to have 25 blue Orps and 25 golden Polish total.. no more.. ever.. plus my mutt egg layers and broody bantums that will mother my chicks.

I never want to out grow my own bretches. When I first moved to the farm I wanted 2 of everything I always wanted. In 5yrs my entire paycheck went to feed. I wasn't out of hand.. but I was out of line. To many.. Now I have learned the pleasures of "less is more"

Table tops are what I want.
I have a sportsman and I had the 2 tabletops at first had someone told me before i got those about a sportsman I would have skipped the 2,,,, I can hatch a doz eggs or more if i want... I dont see it as a bator that a hobbiest cant use... they are much more sturdy than the tabletop and if you replace a tabletop more than a couple of times than you have paid for the sportsman

I really thought that this was a post for ALL chicken people didnt realize that only some were welcome.... guess Ill keep my thoughts to myself and just try to learn somethings on my own!

Ok, you all are getting a little crazy here. I was trying to direct the thread back to the topic that the OP asked about which is table top incubators. A cabinet incubator is not a tabletop, although you could sit it on a table. I hatch a lot of chicks, and have done just fine with a Hovabator as I have previously stated. I have no problem with sportsmans. I agree that they are nice, I wouldn't mind having one eventually, but that is not what this thread is about. I also said that the majority of people on this board do not need to hatch 200+ eggs at a time. I don't think I excluded anyones opinion, just tried to bring it back on topic. I'm done with this conversation.
crazychickenrancher it is for all people.. however sara is right. I ask not about sportsman incubators but table top.. Im sick of hearing about sportsman, I wanted to learn about table top modles.. Im actually unsubscribing to my own posts becuse you all can't or don't choose to stick to topic and help out.
Sara and iajewl, Sorry just trying to help.

Depend on cost but lots of better table top incubators than the styroforms one. you can get used for a good price. I have both the lyons RX and TX. Almost crazy collecting incubators.

TX hold 24 chickens, roll x 89 chickens, both great even used them to hatch high dollar parrot eggs.

Know what you mean about one to large as I also have a large Jamesway hold 3,00o egg. works,but i never use it.

YOUR incubator collecter
I had trouble with hatches and became frustrated with low hatch rates and decided to spend the money on something really good to eleminate the frustration.

I went with an Octigon 20 DX with an autoturner. It will hold about 20 extra large eggs or about 35 medium eggs. My last two hatches were 11 of 12 with one non fertile and 16 of 16. Before that I had problems which I think were partly self inflicted.

Most of the eggs I incubate came from ebay. I learnt that letting them set for 8 to 24 hours pointy end down prior to putting them in the bator helped the hatch rate. Aslo I had to learn about humidity and not opening the bator to candle, weigh, and inspect the eggs every three days. Once I did that I my last two hatches turned out fine.

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