The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

I hope so. My GCM just seems more aggressive and fearless than all the others, even the other GCM....but could just be a tough hen. He/She is very protective of the others, even sleeps outside on the door most nights like a little watch dog. Oh, and dive bombs the other chickens occasionally from the top of the ramp. I like to hope that maybe she is just going to be big boss hen. ha.
Wondering if there is any chance "Owl" is not a rooster... :) She and her hen mates are 9 weeks old, Owl is the one on the stump. She is either an Americauna or a Brown Leghorn, there was some discrepancy when we purchased her that she might have been in the wrong grouping (Americauna). She is much, much larger than our other chicks, same age, one is an Americauna, the other is a Black Austrolorp. We think, she is really a he, because she has been trying to crow since she was about 4 weeks old... just a few short loud bursts really, but now, she is repeatedly crowing each morning at sun up... I posted a sound bite here.

Other than the crowing and being bigger than the others, she is actually the shyest of all 3 chickens, very skiddish, seems to be a follower and if you pick her up, she hides her head into your arms, not very rooster like at all. Plus she is beautiful and has a sweet little face.


Wondering if there is any chance "Owl" is not a rooster... :) She and her hen mates are 9 weeks old, Owl is the one on the stump. She is either an Americauna or a Brown Leghorn, there was some discrepancy when we purchased her that she might have been in the wrong grouping (Americauna). She is much, much larger than our other chicks, same age, one is an Americauna, the other is a Black Austrolorp. We think, she is really a he, because she has been trying to crow since she was about 4 weeks old... just a few short loud bursts really, but now, she is repeatedly crowing each morning at sun up... I posted a sound bite here.

Other than the crowing and being bigger than the others, she is actually the shyest of all 3 chickens, very skiddish, seems to be a follower and if you pick her up, she hides her head into your arms, not very rooster like at all. Plus she is beautiful and has a sweet little face.


Owl looks exactly like my Easter Egger cockerel, King Tut, did at that age. By the way, you have Easter Eggers, not Americauna. There are no such things as Americauna. There is a rare breed called Ameraucana. But you don't have them.

King Tut at 8 weeks.

This is at 16 weeks.
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This is the only image of Owl's head I have with me... but I can take more... I'm leaning towards a Roo... especially after the additional research... see how Owl, hides though... this is the norm for picking her/him up... We call it snuggling... :)

Owl looks exactly like my Easter Egger cockerel, King Tut, did at that age. By the way, you have Easter Eggers, not Americauna. There are no such things as Americauna. There is a rare breed called Ameraucana. But you don't have them.

King Tut at 8 weeks.

This is at 16 weeks.

the one on the bottom is totally a roo!
The verdict: rooster! Saddle and hackle feathers started coming in, first crow at 9.5 weeks. The comb and wattles really popped out at 5 weeks. Here's what he looked like later on. He's going to be A local family's 4H project and he'll father some olive Eggers.

Thanks for the update :)
the one on the bottom is totally a roo!
He's been doing his best to get the girls interested, but being the poor clueless boy that he is, can't figure out why his two shuffle dance isn't working. Then he gives up after 2 shuffle steps and tries to jump them. They run screaming and he's left there wondering what went wrong. Teenage boys are all the same no matter what the species.

I suspect black chick is roo by behaviour. I will keep him regardless but hope I'm wrong. Any adult coloration predictions? 3 1/2 weeks old. The red one stumps me because none of the hens were solid red. Their father was buff orpington barred rock cross, gorgeous fellow. Fun watching them grow :)

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