The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

OMG! I am so sorry you lost a chicken, but it would have been a total tragedy if it had been the Biggest Little Rooster or one of his new Ladies. It is nice of your neighbor to come and tell you. A lot of people wouldn't have done that.

I can't wait to see what the next installment brings. I wonder if he has any clue about what is going to happen??
LOL! These stories are wonderful!
Thanks so much for the addictive stories. You and the Biggest Little Rooster have quite a following!!! Keep 'em coming!

I am so sad that you lost one of your little flock. What a heartache losing even one is.

I lost 18 of my 11 week olds to the neighbor's dog in August. Hard to recover from something like that. At least your neighbor was nice about it. Mine kept saying his dog was on the chain all night. Even with feathers on her lips he insisted it wasn't his.

Thanks for the story, looking forward to a new chapter but understand if you take a day or so off.
Oh, I am so sorry. What an awful thing to come home to. LilBizzy, I have to ask.....Is the Littlest Big Rooster not penned up in the evening? Or did I read that wrong?
I get home from work just as it is getting darkish out (
I hate these shorter days. Chicken TV is off the air when I get home)
The biggest little rooster still resides in the shed. I let them out to run free when I wake, and lock them in the shed when I get home. Lately, though,when I get home, the little ones are all in the shed, but the biggest little rooster is hanging out with his ladies. I guess because they are older, they go to bed a a little later than the little ones.
So they are all locked up at night!!
Chapter 6- The Aftermath
All was going good, except for the fact that the ladies were locked up. The biggest little rooster had to be happy just to be able to talk to the ladies through the fence. They were speaking of their adventures through the neighbor's yards, and he promised to take them back when they were let out of their run.
The ladies were complaining about the lack of yummy bugs in their run. It made the rooster sad. He stayed by them, because it wouldn’t seem right to go eat bugs when the ladies couldn’t.
They were also complaining about the wind ruffling their feathers. He assured them they looked beautiful.
The biggest little rooster was all consumed with his ladies, enjoying the moment, when lifegot turned upside down.
It all happened so fast he couldn't even react. From the neighbors yard, his little flock came running and screaming. The big brown monster was behind them. They ran across the yard, and even around to the front. The big brown monster followed. The neighbor humanguy was following, yelling very loudly. Then 1 of his little flock ran to the bushes behind the neighbors yard, and the big brown monster caught it. The humanguy caught the big brown monster, and took it back to the house. But the chicken didn't come back.
The biggest little rooster didn’t know what happened. But the ladies knew. The big brown monster had chased them several months before. And the big brown monster caught one of the ladies. But the neighbor humanguy was able to rescue her out of the monsters mouth with only a few missing feathers.
So the ladies knew to be scared. The biggest little rooster calmed them down, and stayed by their side. When they finally calmed down, it was time for bed, and the biggest little rooster said goodnight, and went to his little flock.

The next morning started off, as normal, but the humanlady did not let the little flock out of their tiny little run. The biggest little rooster crowed and crowed, wondering why she forgot them. He didn't know she was waiting till the big brown monster had enough time to be walked and taken back in.
The little flock hung out in their little run for 2 hours before they were finally let out. The biggest little rooster had a dilemma- He very much wanted to be near his beautiful ladies, but his little flock had been through a terrible experience. He felt like maybe he let his little flock down by not saving them.
He had a tough decision to make. He made what he hoped to be the right choice. He led his little flock into the older neighbors yard. While his little flock was occupied, the biggest little rooster tried to sneak over to explain to the Ladies why he was unable to visit them today. One of the little girls followed him. She was right by his side, running next to him, asking him to please not leave her alone. She was scared.
Once again, the biggest little rooster did the right thing, and walked the little girl back to the group. The neighborlady brought out treats, and for a short while, the whole flock pecked and scratched as if it were a normal day.
The biggest little rooster stayed with his little flock all day. He did get a moment to try to explain to his ladies that he had to take care of his little flock. The ladies all had their feathers ruffled. They understood why he had to be with his little flock, but they needed him too. They were locked in their run for 2 days, and they were NOT happy.
The biggest little rooster couldn’t let his emotions keep him from doing his duty. He spent his time and energy keeping his little flock safe. At bedtime, he took his little flock into the shed, and sat with them. He didn't even leave to say goodnight to the ladies.
He really hoped it wouldn't take too long for his little flock to settle back to normal. And hoped that when they did, the Ladies would understand and forgive him for being away..
He settled in with his little flock all around him, and fell asleep, dreaming of life before the tragedy.
I love it!!!! You are doing such a wonderful job of writing this. Do you think I could copy it and print it so I could read it to my niece? I think she would be just tickled or even better have you thought about submitting it for publication as a childrens story? Great work!!!

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