The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I just added this in my favorites so I can easily find it. I am loving the story!! I plan on doing stories like this for my grandchildren.
I am really enjoying this - keep up the good work.
LOL, I do have to admit the bandanas were a complete fabrication on my part. I think if I actually tried that, they'd hate me.

Hmm... would your pullets maybe be interested in the Medium Little Rooster? He looks like his brother, and is just as sweet. He doesn't have the same interest in girls though. I'm starting to worry about him.

Well my daughter did it and no objections, seriously a few months ago she was being very quit and I looked out and this is what she was up to:


We LOVE your story KEEP GOING Please.....
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Wow! How many people are reading and keeping up with this story?
I told the biggest little rooster he better not give up- maybe some day he'll be a movie of the week on Lifetime. Of course, the Ladies overheard, and immediately started primping and preening and strutting. And then they clicked their beaks and demanded treats- as if they were spoiled movie stars.

I'll do the next chapter tomorrow night.
Yes, ma'am- I'll include pics in the next chapter!!
Well, she's full grown, in age, but the size of a 10 year old. Rooster thinks small people must be bantam. I figured someone would get a kick out of that.

christmaschicken: LOL@ bandanas. That is something my DD would do. I have a christmas chicken for ya- a pic I posted under the Halloween Costume thread:
CHAPTER 13- Web-footed Chicken visitors

On a typical day, the Ladies would be let out right before the biggest little rooster and his flock. He would immediately run to the Ladies and say hello through the fence, but wouldn't stay too long because they were busy having breakfast and paying rent.
Lately, the little golden girl would follow him, while the others would run over to the older neighbors yard for their breakfast. The biggest little rooster thought nothing of it. He figured she just liked to hang around him. He didn't notice the glazed over look in her eyes when she looked at him.
The biggest little rooster, being the nice guy that he is, helped the little golden girl find some yummies for breakfast. He didn't realize that she had a crush on him, and his attention was making her think maybe he "liked" her. But she was a little shy, and after a few minutes with him alone, she ran off to join the others. She really felt more comfortable in a group.
When the Ladies finished their breakfast- not that they EVER really stopped eating ( The biggest little rooster wondered just how they managed to keep their lovely shapes with all they ate), when they got partially full, the biggest little rooster had a chance to talk to them and dance for them. They giggled a little, thinking he was just SO adorable.
Two of them went into the coop to pay rent, so the biggest little rooster went off to join his little flock for a little bit. The biggest little rooster came up with a new Survivor Chicken Challenge- stand on the neighbors lawn furniture without pooping. The last one to poop would win.

Unfortunately, he decided on the challenge BEFORE he pooped, and he was the first one out of the challenge. Unfortunately, also, chickens poop ALOT, so it was a challenge that lasted all of 4 minutes. The little golden girl was the last to poop. Everyone had to go find her a treat.
By this time, the Ladies were let out, so the biggest little rooster ran to them. He had a quiet moment with one of the Ladies, then took them to a nice sunny spot away from the others. He thought they were all nice and private, until the humanlady peered through the glass.

She disappeared after flashing the silver thing at them. She was ALWAYS sneaking up on them with the little shiny silver thing. He didn't know what it was, but he didn't think he liked it.
He and the Ladies sat and watched the very large web-footed chickens in the pond across the street. He thought something must have happened to their beaks, because they were not rounded and sharp, but flat. Maybe they all got stepped on as babies- those big flat webbed feet could probably smush a beak.
They got bored with watching the ugly chickens, and went into the back yard to check out the progress on the new coop. As they were checking it out, they heard some horrible sounds. The biggest little rooster told the Ladies to stay in the new coop while he went to investigate.
In the side yard was seven of the funny web-footed chickens. And in the right hand neighbors yard, there were thirteen more. And they were walking towards the little flock.
They looked VERY intimidating. "Wow", thought the biggest little rooster. They were much bigger up close. He didn't know if they were a threat or not. They sure looked threatening, like a rival gang coming in for a rumble.
The biggest little rooster just did not know what to do. He was not afraid, but stood frozen in awe of these big creatures. Luckily, the humanlady came outside just then. The biggest little rooster thought maybe she was a little afraid of them too. They were now right by the shed. The humanlady flapped her unfeathered wings, and ran toward the web-footed chickens, which made them all take off running toward her. Just before they reached her, they flew up and away.
All the chickens gathered in a little circle to talk about the strange looking chickens. This made it easier for the humanlady to do a headcount. They talked and gossiped and laughed at the funny looking visitors. Of course, it was very easy to laugh at them when they weren't marching across the yard.
Then it started to get dark. The biggest little rooster thought each day was shorter than the last. He walked his little flock to the shed and got them settled in. The Ladies had followed. Oh they MUST be in love with him. Or maybe they just wanted the food that was scattered.
He stayed with them a few minutes longer, then said goodnight. As he walked into the shed, he turned for one last look.
:cool:This is SO much better than soap operas...THIS is CHicKen OpErA, Ta Da! Love the pics to accompany, too!

And, I'm now a Grannie so I hope your children's book w/pics is ready soon cause Action Jaxon's gonna be learning to love reading time;)
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