The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I just love reading this story.
Keep it coming please
CHAPTER 16- Moving Day
The biggest little rooster had been all settled down for the night when he noticed that two of his little flock were missing- the littlest little rooster and one of the girls. He couldn't do anything about it, because it was dark outside. He was a bit worried, though.
Earlier that day, a neighborlady from way behind the house came by to complain about the chickens in her yard. The biggest little rooster was insulted. How could ANYONE not love him and his Ladies and his little flock? That neighborlady threatened to EAT any chickens she found in her yard.
When the humanlady came home, she peeked in the shed and counted. He didn't like counts because counts were always accompanied by a flashlight in the eyes.
The next morning, when the shed was opened, the "lost" little hen came running in. She didn't even let the others get out before she pushed her way in. She immediately went to the corner, and within minutes, laid an egg.
The littlest little rooster was there to greet and talk about his all night adventure. The biggest little rooster was impressed. He wouldn't admit it, but he was a little scared of the dark.
The humanguy hastily added the last wall of the new coop, and threw some treats in the run. Some of the chickens were on the opposite side of the fence, so every time a treat was thrown, chickens would be taking off in all directions trying to get to it. It took a lot of treats, but the humanguy got them all in the run and shut the gate.
The biggest little rooster didn't get to hang out with the Ladies. There was a piece of fence separating the two runs, so he had to settle for talking to them and nuzzling them against the fence. His little golden girl seemed to have developed a new crush on the littlest little rooster.
As it started to get dark, the biggest little rooster headed for the shed. The run wasn't covered, so he was able to hop the fence. Three of the little girls followed him (as they are supposed to do). He and his little followers went and made themselves comfy in the shed.
The humanlady came home, and parked her rolling human carrier close to the run. In the headlights, there were 5 chickens huddled outside on a rock.
She positioned three flashlights in the coop (because chickens don't like dark), and then picked up one chicken and put her through the little door. Humanlady was just ready to pick up another chicken when the first one wandered out of the little door.

So, back in she went. The humanlady blocked the little door until the little chicken jumped on the roosts. Next she grabbed the medium little rooster and put him in. He was too scared to jump on the roosts. Then 2 more chickens went in, and all that was left was the littlest little rooster.
The headlights really woke him up. He had already had 3 private moments with the girls, and was running around like it was early morning. As the humanlady tried to herd him toward the coop, she realized something- the littlest little rooster was afraid of his own shadow. Seriously. He saw his shadow and turned tail and ran.
Twenty-five minutes from start to finish, the littlest little rooster finally found his was past his own scary shadow and into the coop. He tried to go up the ramp-, which wasn’t a good idea because it was a very steep piece of slippery wood with no steps or cross pieces. It took a lot of slipping up and sliding down, but he finally made it on to the roost.
They got locked in, and the humanlady went to the shed, told the biggest little rooster that all were safe, and shut the door. Tomorrow, she'd have to worry about moving in the other 4.
Chapter 17- Moving Day, Day 2

The biggest little rooster woke, and although it was kind of nice to be able to wiggle himself around without knocking anyone over, he did wonder what happened to the rest of his little flock.
When the humanlady opened the shed, she led him and his little group into the fenced in area. The ONLY reason he let her lead him there was the food. He was glad to see his brothers and the rest of the girls.
The girls who had slept in the big coop were telling the biggest little rooster how nice it was in there. They said it was so spacious, and didn't have scary sticks (rakes, shovels, etc). The biggest little rooster was somewhat impressed, but being a guy- he didn't care. He did NOT like things to change.
Although he and the littlest little rooster had lived together for almost 4 months, and the pen was quite spacious, he did NOT like it. The headlights from the night before must have awakened the littlest little roosters "romantic side" because all of a sudden, he was taking a huge interest in the girls.
Every time the littlest little rooster went to snuggle with a girl, the biggest little rooster ran as fast as he could to stop it. It also worked in reverse- the littlest little rooster tried to chase the biggest little rooster when he was snuggling the girls.
Finally, the biggest little rooster had had enough, and he hopped the fence. He wanted his Ladies. No one was letting them out. The Ladies were doing a LOT of complaining. While he agreed with them, their constant loud squawking was giving him a headache, so he ran off to be alone for a while.
It wasn’t but a few minutes later that 3 of his little girls were out following him around. They also hopped the fence. The little girls weren't as pretty or mature as the Ladies, but they were decent company. They spoke in soft little voices, and didn't complain about anything. They were not as willing to snuggle as the Ladies, but that was fine with the biggest little rooster. He took them around the neighbors’ yards, making sure to avoid the yard of the big brown monster and the complaining lady.
When it got dark, he went into the shed, and the little girls followed him. He called to the rest of them, but not one of them was willing to hop the fence. Since he couldn’t go carry them over the fence, he just sighed and went into the shed with the 3 little girls.
The humanlady came home, and it was pretty much a repeat of the night before. This time it only took her 20 minutes to gat the chickens into the new coop. She left the biggest little rooster in the shed, telling him it was his last night in the shed.

The next morning, the humans slept VERY late. The biggest little rooster was crowing to be let out. He was also crowing for his brother, but the medium little rooster wasn’t answering. He was quite concerned.
The humanlady woke so late, she needed to get ready for work, so the humanguy came and opened the shed. He led the biggest little rooster and the little girls back to the pen, and they all went in together. As the humanguy walked to open the new coop pop door, the biggest little rooster saw his brother, the medium little rooster. The medium little rooster was laying on the ground in the bushes near the back of the coop. He crowed, but the medium little rooster did not answer. The medium little rooster had gone to the chicken coop in the sky….
Oh no
What happend to the medium little rooster? It wasn't the mean lady or the big brown monster was it? I'm sorry he went to the big coop in the sky. That sucks. I hope the big little rooster will be able to handle this new experience.
I don't know what happened to the medium little rooster. I did not see him as I was chasing and shoving chickens into the new coop. (And glad I didn't)
I'm also glad I woke late and Bird Hearder went out to take care of chickens. I don't like discovering death. Bird Hearder said there was no signs of attack or injury. No blood, cuts or missing feathers.
I'm gonna miss him- he was such a mellow rooster who always watched out for the biggest little rooster. Well, actually, he tattled on the biggest little rooster to let me know when he was getting too far from home. And he let me pet him.

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