The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

One thing I noticed is that there were only two full moons facing the camera.
It is great to hear you are publishing. You are a gifted storyteller with a very loveable hero. Kudos to you!!!!! and the Biggest Little Rooster.
You are right, I THINK its the golden girl next to him and I believe the one next to her is the other girl. The next chapter is in progress, but because it was dark in there, and its getting increasingly harder to tell a few of the girls from the Ladies- I left them in there , and rescued them out the next morning. Had I really looked, I would have been able to tell, being the golden girl is the one with the sharpie markings down her back, and the other extra is the lighter colored RIR, not one of the golden mutts.
It sure cracked me up when I looked in there though- and they planted themselves on the top roost too. Silly girls!

But did you notice the bigest little rooster is STILL facing away from the window?
CHAPTER 28- Out, darn intruders!!

Now, it was quite dark, and everyone was settled, so the humanlady just left everyone as is. She figured she would kick out the extras in the morning.
In the morning, the humanlady went out and watched for a short while. The biggest little rooster pleaded with her to please put the girls back where they belong. The two intruders wouldn’t leave his side, and the ladies were very upset. The humanlady chased them down, and one of them happened to be the little marked girl, who was promptly locked in her coop.
After a while, the humanlady came to check eggs. The little marked one had not laid an egg in the little coop. There were 2 eggs there, but neither was from the marked one. When she checked the ladies coop, there were FIVE eggs in one of the nest boxes. The marked girl had laid her egg in the ladies pen.
Every day, the humanlady found 4 eggs in the Ladies coop. In the little ones coop, there were usually 2 eggs in the dishpan/nest box from the girls. The marked girl left the 3rd egg. Sometimes there were 2 eggs in the vestibule. Lately, though, there was only one egg in the vestibule. Someone was slacking, and it seemed like one girl had not yet ever laid an egg. But on this day, there ended up being nine eggs total. Someone is still slacking.
The biggest little rooster was very happy to have the girls in their own enclosure. He was thrilled that they anted to spend the night with him, but really didn’t like upsetting his ladies. Now everything could get back to normal.
The humanlady was trying to put up the last of the siding. This was going on the Ladies coop. She had to loosen the fence, and even though it could have made a good escape, the biggest little rooster didn’t go near. Those power tools hurt his big white ears.
The humanlady came into the run with something in her hands. Oh, it was a bowl! Bowl means treat! The Ladies were trying to decide whether to push past the humanlady and escape, or to see what she had. The biggest little rooster eyeballed the treat. He actually was thinking of jumping up, but he didn’t like to jump. He used the excuse that it would be rude to take something forcefully.
Today’s treat was sweet potatoes. The Ladies didn’t really get overly excited for sweet potatoes, but the biggest little rooster made his “come here and get this good stuff” cluck, and they all ran over.
The humanlady told him that he was such a good little man, so wonderful to his Ladies.

The next two days, they were stuck inside the run because it was raining. The humanlady had made them a roosting pole, and put it under the covered area. The biggest little rooster spent most of his time up there and out of the rain. The Ladies did not seem to mind the rain, though. They were out scratching and digging. The biggest little rooster thought they might be a little weird.
In the other run, the little ones were spending most of their time inside their coop. The escapees didn’t even try to escape. It was way too wet. The wind was blowing also, and they really didn’t like the feel of wet feathers blowing.
The best part of the rain was the very special treat they all got. It was warm oatmeal, and it was certainly yummy and comforting. It was also quite messy. They were all laughing at each other with oatmeal stuck al over their beaks. To clean their beaks, they shook their heads, which got oatmeal all over them. The biggest little rooster was “helping” by eating the oatmeal off the ladies backs.
The rain was making everyone miserable, and luckily, it made dark come even earlier. The little ones happily went to bed, keeping an eye out the window, watching the rain and wind blow. They saw the humanlady bring the obnoxiously hairy creature out, and all of them squeezed together to be able to watch out the window. The little hairy creature was running around trying to get away from the raindrops. And they say chickens are dumb!
It was after dark when the humanlady came out to lock everyone up. She went into the ladies run, and her flashlight showed four ladies and a biggest little rooster all huddled up on the roost she had made outside for them. The wind had blown their little pop door closed.
The biggest little rooster was so glad to see the humanlady. She shined her flashlight so they could see the door, but no one wanted to move. She picked them up one at a time, and snuggled them close and tried to rub them dry a little with her coat. After a few minutes, the biggest little rooster was the only one out there. He was scooting back and forth on the roost, and hated to admit it, but he felt alone and scared out there in the dark without his ladies. Then the humanlady picked him up. He put up a little bit of a fuss because he wasn’t sure what was happening.
He felt himself being squeezed through the pop door, and then it was closed behind him. The flashlight was off. He had a few seconds of panic. He was cold and wet, and even though he was safe in his coop now, it was very dark and he couldn’t se his ladies.
The human door opened, and the flashlight was turned on. The humanlady said “ Don’t you worry, my brave little man. I wouldn’t leave you in the dark”.
She patiently held the flashlight while he walked around trying to get up the courage to jump on the roost. For some reason, he didn’t think to use the ramp. He ducked under the roost, then turned around and looked over it. When he stood tall he could actually see over the roost. It really was not above his head, but it seemed to confuse him. And when he actually got the courage to jump, his feet slipped as he landed. He miscalculated the distance, and ended up falling off.
The humanlady giggled at him, and was coming closer. Oh no! He couldn’t let her put hi on the roost. That would be so totally embarrassing. He quickly jumped up and settled down. He wasn’t even going to dare to attempt to jump on the higher roost.
He really hoped tomorrow would bring sunshine.
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The biggest little roster had a tough time sleeping. He was chilly and wet, and the ladies kept snuggling close to him with their cold and wet bodies. At least they were in out of the wind and rain.
He had great hopes of seeing the sunshine the next day, but when he woke, there was no sun. He and the ladies ran out of the coop to get breakfast. On the other side of the fence, the little WeeMan was staring and trying to impress the ladies.
The biggest little rooster was in no mood to have that little rooster trying to flirt with HIS ladies. He fluffed out all his feathers and stood very tall. He looked as if he had been put in the clothes dryer on the fluff cycle. He stomped his feet and stood next to the fence doing the boxing shuffle. Little WeeMan was not impressed.
The ladies would have been impressed, but they were busy eating the warm oatmeal that the biggest little rooster stepped right past in order to go challenge little WeeMan.
The girls would also have been impressed, but they were busy burying their beaks in their bowl of warm oatmeal.
The biggest little rooster was just in a fowl mood. He was stuck in the run and it was raining. AGAIN. The ladies were already starting to complain that the rain was ruining their feathers. He had to agree, but was smart enough to not agree out loud. Of course he told them that their feathers looked lovely, even when wet. In reality though, their feathers looked dark and dingy. The heavy rain was smashing the feathers against their bodies, making them look scrawny.
But the biggest little rooster wasn’t the type of guy who just loved ladies for their looks. He knew that they were beautiful ladies even if they lost all their feathers. They were smart, and caring. They liked to live life to the fullest, and were fun to be with.
The ladies knew the biggest little rooster was cranky, so they tried to cheer him up. They decided to have a dance contest, and asked him to be the judge. He really wasn’t in the mood for anything, but the ladies pestered him with their winning smiles until he agreed.
It didn’t take but a few minutes before he started smiling. The ladies were being so silly. One started by trying to do some sort of jig. She had her wings on her hips, and she was kicking her feet.
The next lady tried ballet. She had her wings up over her head, and was trying to stand on her toes and twirl. Then she ran a few steps and tried to leap. The biggest little rooster started giggling.
The third lady made the biggest little rooster chuckle. She decided to do a break dance routine. She was actually pretty good, but the biggest little rooster thought she looked like she was having convulsions. She ended her “dance” by spinning on her back. When she stood up, she was a little dizzy. But the funniest part was how she looked. She was a wet chicken that just rolled around in poo, dirt and hay. She had hay stuck to her body and head, and looked like she had suck her tongue in an electrical outlet.
The last lady had decided to do a tap dance. The biggest little rooster couldn’t control his laughter. The lady had stomped in poo, and then stepped on the biggest pieces of pine shavings she could find. The pine shavings stuck to her foot because of the poo. That was her taps. She stood up on the wooden roost and proceeded to tap her little feet faster and faster. She then curtsied and jumped down. Immediately, she ran to wipe off her homemade tap shoes.
The ladies were all pleased. They had cheered up the biggest little rooster, and they had some good exercise. It had warmed them up.
Maybe they should have a talent show next. But first, it was nap time

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