The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

how cute.. just read this whole thread today..
so let me get this strait. you have two roos .. and two flocks... they are next to each other.. you have two flocks that lay.. the girls and the ladies.. you let the girls out but not the ladies.. and the biggest little rooster chose to be with the ladies and then little woo took over the girls.. and you have some neighbors that like your chickens and others that dont. how cute..
Oh, I'm so totally hooked right now. I only just started reading this whole thing earlier today, and between everyday stuff just finished right now! This is wonderful, please continue....
Very close. I have 4 Ladies, who had (and still have)their own coop and run. Then the little ones ( who are 2 months younger) came along, and had a "temporary" home in the shed for 5 months. I decided to keep the Ladies in their own coop and run, and add a new coop and run for the little ones, attached to the Ladies.
They all free ranged together. Out in the morning, in at bedtime. All my closest neighbors like the chickens. There were 3 roos in the little group. The biggest little rooster, little WeeMan, and the medium little rooster who died without an explanation a few weeks ago. The biggest little rooster took a liking to the Ladies, and would follow them around. The ONLY parts of this story that aren't true are the Chicken Survivor Game and the dance contest. Both those were written when there was like 4 days in a row where there was rain, and those who are keeping up with the story were geting antsy for another chapter LOL. But of course, I interpret the chickens thoughts. I cant be sure what they are actually thinking.
They only started being kept in the run when the one lady complained. She isnt even a close neighbor, but the chickens started to wander pretty far. After her complaint, we quickly finished the little ones coop so they could be fenced in. They can get over the fence, and half of them do. The one day I let them all out, the biggest little rooster decided to go live with the Ladies.
So yup, he has the Ladies, and the WeeMan has the girls. They live side by side, and they are let out to free range at times when I can keep a good eye on them to not get too far away.
There will be added conflict soon. I have a person interested in taking WeeMan. If that happens, I don't know what the biggest little rooster will decide to do. He's going to be quite torn between the 2 groups.
Ummm.. and you make this decision by yourself? no way! I've got a couple of roo's you can use in WeeMan's place, I give mine, you can sell him for WeeMan. In other words, WeeMan stays! lol
All those in favor of WeeMan staying???
I vote for him staying if it is feed you are worrying about I will help with a few bucks a month to keep him with ya. He can't eat much after all he is just a WeeMan
I vote for him staying if it is feed you are worrying about I will help with a few bucks a month to keep him with ya. He can't eat much after all he is just a WeeMan

LOL you guys crack me up. I had put an ad on craigslist before the biggest little rooster moved in with the Ladies- actually when I still had 4 roosters. Only one sold. Then someone offered to take Weeman and the medium rooster, but made the offer the night before we found the medium guy dead. He didn't want just the Weeman ( poor ugly lil guy)
Someone emailed me the other day, seeming very excite to adopt him.
I have several concerns with the WeeMan. Hes very VERY rough on the girls, and yes, feeding him, athough he is small is a worry- he doesnt lay eggs, and he'll end up costing me more when I have to take care of the girls backs and combs from his roughness.
Also, I have to admit, I have a little fear of roosters. Yes, they scare me. And yesterday, the biggest little rooster ran at me. I threatened to send him packing, and warned him that I, and all his fans would be extremely disappointed if he started playing THAT game.
I'm getting ready to go out in a few minutes and see if he tries it again. I seriously hope he doesn't.
I vote for him staying if it is feed you are worrying about I will help with a few bucks a month to keep him with ya. He can't eat much after all he is just a WeeMan

LOL you guys crack me up. I had put an ad on craigslist before the biggest little rooster moved in with the Ladies- actually when I still had 4 roosters. Only one sold. Then someone offered to take Weeman and the medium rooster, but made the offer the night before we found the medium guy dead. He didn't want just the Weeman ( poor ugly lil guy)
Someone emailed me the other day, seeming very excite to adopt him.
I have several concerns with the WeeMan. Hes very VERY rough on the girls, and yes, feeding him, athough he is small is a worry- he doesnt lay eggs, and he'll end up costing me more when I have to take care of the girls backs and combs from his roughness.
Also, I have to admit, I have a little fear of roosters. Yes, they scare me. And yesterday, the biggest little rooster ran at me. I threatened to send him packing, and warned him that I, and all his fans would be extremely disappointed if he started playing THAT game.
I'm getting ready to go out in a few minutes and see if he tries it again. I seriously hope he doesn't.

Red Rooster (I think) has a page on how to take care of a mis behaving roo. Ya might want to check that out.

I really understand about the WeeMan ya can't keep them all. I am really glad that I am down to what I wanted with the last hatch. I just rehomed the last 12 of them 2 weeks ago. Only 5 of those were hens but the guy who took them didn't care he just wanted chickens around the place. Me I didn't want that many roo's LOL. I now have my Orp pen which has 8 girls 1 roo and my dorking pen 6 hens and 1 roo. Boy am I happy about that.
lilbizzy, if ya have seen my thing, it says that I'm afraid of the leghorn, popcorn. He has a thing for me when I wear shorts and or sandals. If I go out in boots and pants, he doesn't mess with me. Roosters scare the crap out of me, period. But, like dogs, they sense your fear. My secret, chase him down. Don't take just one step and stop, keep walking up to him, carry a stick, broom, whatever. Don't beat him, just make him be the one to back down. After he does that, pick him up, love on him, sweet talk him. When he's calm, set him down. Do it for a few days, see if it works. Hope it does. Reminds me, Popcorn's having issues today. *checks clothing*, ummm yep, wearing shorts and
He actually jumped at me the other nite, literally kicking my bum. Sneaky bas*#^%!
We had an enormous leghorn years back. His size scared me, but he didn't. Im not afraid of the BLR, but I don't want to have to end up worrying about turning my back on him. I did go in today with a rake( to rake the pen) and he stayed clear. I'll go in later or tomorrow, and do the chase him down and hold him thing with hubby nearby in case he cops an attitude. I don't think he will. He might very well have been trying to get the 2nd bowl of oatmeal I had. The only thing that has changed is he's been stuck in the run.
So do ya give popcorn the holdem treatment?
CHAPTER 30- More Rain, More cranky

It was still raining after naptime, and at bedtime. The next morning looked promising. It almost looked as if the sun might come out. Humanlady came outside to get some cleanup done around the coops, and she brought the rain with her. She also brought warm oatmeal, but that didn’t make up for the rain.
The biggest little rooster thought maybe the humanlady wasn’t so bad after staying out there in the rain working on the cleanup for a little while. She could have ran into the human coop and been warm and dry, but she stayed out in the rain with the chickens.
The Ladies didn’t seem to even notice the rain. They even walked out of the covered area right into the rain. The biggest little rooster stayed under cover.
Just when it looked like it would stop raining, the humanlady came back outside and started raking out the run. Humanguy had put nice hay in there, but with all the rain, it was no longer nice hay. The biggest little rooster was confused. The humanlady didn’t talk to him. She was somewhat ignoring him, but also giving him dirty looks.
At first, he thought maybe the rain made her cranky too. And it did. Then he remembered what happened yesterday, and thought maybe that had something to do with her not talking to him.
Yesterday, the humanlady had brought treats. She had two bowls, and the biggest little rooster assumed both were for him. She put one bowl down for him and the Ladies, and then turned to walk out with the second bowl. The biggest little rooster didn’t know what came over him. He wasn’t being greedy, and he never had any reason to not trust the humanlady to take good care of him. Something in him snapped, and for some reason, he fluffed himself up and ran at her.
She had turned around because she had a feeling. It all happened so fast, neither one of them could remember if the biggest little rooster just ran, or jumped up too. But the humanlady took her foot, and put it on the biggest little rooster’s chest, and gave him an upward push. He flew backwards a few feet.
They stood looking at each other for a few minutes. The biggest little rooster noticed the humanlady looked a little sad. She left the run, and then scolded him as she walked the other bowl of warm oatmeal to the little flock.
The Ladies had their faces all stuck in the bowl of oatmeal, so they didn’t see what had happened. They couldn’t help but notice him flying backwards, though. They asked him what had happened, and he was embarrassed to admit he had run at the humanlady. He couldn’t lie to the Ladies- that would be totally wrong.
The Ladies didn’t scold him, or even get upset with him. Even worse, they were disappointed in him. They did remind him that the humans provided their home and care. If he flogged the humans, or even thought about flogging the humans, they would either give him to other humans, or put him in the oven. If he went to new humans, they might not be as nice as the humans he had now. And he’d never see the Ladies ever again.
He tried to stay away from the humanlady today. He really didn’t want to leave. He DID like his humans.
The humanlady was just getting ready to let them all out of the run when it started raining hard. So she went back into the human coop, and he took cover on the outside perch. He thought it was going to be a really bad day. Then the humanlady came out with some more treats. He was so sad, he wasn’t even going to eat, but the Ladies wanted him to. Immediately after eating a little, he jumped back onto the outdoor roost. The Ladies jumped up also, two on each side of him. Suddenly, he didn’t feel so sad.
He knew he couldn’t be unhappy or cranky with the Ladies around. It is okay to be down or sad for a little while, but after a while, no one wants to be near you. So he cheered up, and called his little flock over to the fence, and proceeded to tell everyone a story.

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