The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

CHAPTER 36: The Girls

Little WeeMan was secure in his position in the flock. He did wish he was higher in the pecking order, but other than that, he was satisfied. The biggest little rooster wasn’t as secure. He knew he was flock leader, and he knew that WeeMan would never take his place. But he was a little upset that the girls didn’t love him anymore.
The Ladies were not as googly-eyed in love with him as they had been, either. The biggest little rooster believed it was because they were penned up a lot more than they used to be. Because they were enclosed in the run, they couldn’t do much to get away from each other. No matter how much you love someone, you do need some time apart. They weren’t fighting, but they weren’t all lovey-dovey, either. At least the Ladies were not complaining. That would have driven the biggest little rooster nuts.
Every day was a little different. Some days the sun shone, other days it rained. It seemed as if there was a lot of wind. Most days it was a little bit chilly out. The biggest little rooster didn’t like the wind. The wind would blow things and would scare him. Sometimes, when the wind blew against his tail end, it would make him run. Then he would realize it was just the wind, and he’d stop and do some toe touches and stretches to pretend he was just exercising.
The biggest little rooster tried to talk to the girls through the fence. When it looked like they were having too much fun, little WeeMan would come over and entice the girl away. He would also fluff up his feathers and give the biggest little rooster a hard stare.
The Ladies thought little WeeMan was being disrespectful when he did that. The girls thought little WeeMan was maturing.
The girls actually thought little WeeMan was becoming quite a good young man. He was not as interesting as the biggest little rooster, but he was definitely braver. Little WeeMan wasn’t the first one into the coop. He always made sure the girls were in, and he would stand outside the door, even in the dark, waiting for them.
When there was warm sunshine, little WeeMan would help the girls dig little holes. He would even help by using his bigger wings to toss dirt on them.

Little WeeMan would also yell for the girls when he found something good.


Even in the mornings, when the humanlady brought their warm treats, little WeeMan would step back and let the girls feast. They wondered how he managed to get so big and strong when he was always letting them eat.
The girls also noticed that little WeeMan was very alert. He was always looking and listening for trouble, and would immediately investigate anything suspicious or unusual.

Little WeeMan made their little hearts flutter in a way different than the biggest little rooster. The biggest little rooster used to make the girls feel weak-kneed. Little WeeMan almost warmed their little hearts. They weren't sure, but the girls thought that what they had felt for the biggest little rooster was puppy love ( or would it be called chicken love?). What they felt for little Weeman might just be the real thing.
love the story.....keep the chapters commin im in love with the story....its very good....what kinds of chickens are they? there beautiful
c.wilson :

love the story.....keep the chapters commin im in love with the story....its very good....what kinds of chickens are they? there beautiful

Thank you.
The Ladies are red sexlinks. The girls are supposed to be RIR's, but only one is RIR colored. They are definately mixed mutts. Several of the girls look like the sexlinks. I think they are second generation sexlinks- meaning their mother was a sex link. The biggest little rooster looks like a RIR, but he has white earlobes. Little WeeMan looks like a mutt. LOL He's getting to be handsome, though. Every section of his body is a different color. His neck feathers are a bright , shiny blood reddish color. They are so pretty in the sun. His tail has little black spots that the girls often peck thinking its bugs.​
CHAPTER 37- A Flock Divided

As the days went by, the two groups became more separated. Yes, a fence separated them, but now they were separating themselves mentally. The biggest little rooster was having troubles talking to the girls. They were just different than him and the Ladies. He didn’t have anything in common with the girls, except where they came from.
In the mornings, the humanlady brought out their warm yummy treats. The Ladies got their bowl first. As soon as the humanlady stepped out of the gate, the biggest little rooster would join in the feast. He did not need to call the Ladies to the bowl- they were always right there, jumping for the bowl before it was even put on the ground.

When he saw the Ladies get their bowl, little WeeMan would start calling the girls. They would stand on the other side of the fence, watching the Ladies eat. Sometimes they would forget there was a fence, and bump into it trying to get to the food. The biggest little rooster thought they were all a bit silly to be forgetting there was a fence.
When the girls got their bowl, little WeeMan would gather around it and make sure everyone was getting some. He’d keep his eyes and ears open also. He would only eat after some of the girls were done. Usually, they weren’t done. They just walked away to wipe the mushy stuff off their beaks. Little WeeMan didn’t notice that. He just saw them walk away and assumed they were full.

The younger group had a run that had almost 4 times as much space per chicken as the Ladies run. So the Ladies were allowed to free range when the weather was good. Usually there was a girl or two running around also. Two were smart enough to hop the fence everyday.
The biggest little rooster tried to be nice to the girls. The Ladies were extremely jealous though, and would chase the girls away. If the girls got too close to the biggest little rooster, the Ladies would nip the girls’ tails. The biggest little rooster didn’t want the girls to get hurt, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. He just tried to distract the Ladies. Luckily, the girls were smart enough to run away and not challenge the Ladies.
One day, at dark, one of the girls went into the Ladies coop. She jumped on the roost and settled down to sleep. The humanlady didn’t do head count till very late. She noticed the extra body, but because of darkness, she didn’t remove the girl. She was going to remove the girl in the morning.
The next morning, the humanlady forgot. The biggest little rooster had a situation on his hands. The Ladies did not want to let the girl eat their food or drink their water, or even be in their pen. They kept chasing her. The biggest little rooster even chased her a few times to get her away from the Ladies beaks.
He kept the Ladies occupied with stories in order to allow the girl to get some food. Then he saw the girl go into the coop, and figured all might be well. Out of sight, out of mind, he hoped. But that wasn’t happening. The girl was on the nest. The Ladies thought she might be harming their eggs. They ran into the coop. The biggest little rooster couldn’t get in because one of the Ladies blocked the door. He heard awful sounds coming from inside.
He yelled a few times, and made the Ladies come outside. The girl ran out, with her head bleeding. Just then, the humanlady came out. She took one look at the girl, and ran inside. She came back with the humanguy, and one very scary white towel. The Ladies were still chasing the girl. Then the humans came into the run, and everyone was running around. That white towel was totally scary! They picked up the girl, and took her inside.
The biggest little rooster was sad. He was supposed to be flock leader, but couldn’t keep his Ladies from hurting his girls. He couldn't believe the Ladies made his girl bleed.

They weren’t one big happy flock. They were 2 flocks, separated by a fence. The biggest little rooster wasn’t too sure he could be a good flock leader for the younger group anymore. He was also a bit disappointed in the Ladies for their vicious attack. How could they do that?
thats very very very sad of the Ladies....but im still loving the story..keep the chapters totally addicted...and i LOVE all of the pictures.

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