The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

As hard as we try to diguise the fact, we now have bantams. Also, Jim has expanded his lust for hatching, to we now have silkies and frizzles in the bator. lol

I think Tinker has finally gotten his feathers back on his head. I also am afraid to admit that I think he's a seabright. Ugh all those toots are bantams. lol Aw well, whats a yard without lawn ornaments. lol
As hard as we try to diguise the fact, we now have bantams. Also, Jim has expanded his lust for hatching, to we now have silkies and frizzles in the bator. lol

I think Tinker has finally gotten his feathers back on his head. I also am afraid to admit that I think he's a seabright. Ugh all those toots are bantams. lol Aw well, whats a yard without lawn ornaments. lol

I call my d'Uccle banties 'eye-candy'
Poor little Dapper Dan. He's our lil polish guy, he runs straight to you crying his little pitiful cry. As soon as you go to reach for him, he runs away screaming at the top of his lungs, SHES GONNA EAT ME!!!!

Marlon is my cool calm collected cochin. He cant be bothered unless you have food. Get the wind blowing a good breeze, toss him some snacks behind him, he will fall on his head everytime!

Btw, how big will these kiddos get?
Dunno how big they'll get. Guess it depends on the parents.

My d'Uccles are pretty small and fully grown. And pretty spoiled, too. They run to me, even if I do dress them up & take their picture

They work for bread
And they do make the cutest most adorable Christmas cards!!! Thank you, btw.
Well ours hatched towards the end of Sept. and they still are shorter then a 6 inch ruler. Well, Dan might be taller, he has a pouf and all on the top of his head. lol They do eat plenty of lots of protein, gotta keep up with the other babies. lol
The kids are aggravated because I'm planning on the Valentine's outfits for the millies...

The bantam cochins and bantam polish I saw at the bird show were a little bigger than the millies. The cochins were much bigger around, but that could've been fluff!
Thats too funny

and thats even funnier. I think I need your chickens in my stories.. Poor little Marlon...
How was work? Did ya get up in time to be there? lol
I told Jim three times to hit the snooze this morning. UCK!! Ours only has a 6 minute snooze... whatever happened to the 15 min snooze?

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