The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

This is gonna be the hardest part, DO NOT OPEN the incubator you will loose your humidity, so pictures through the window only. Sorry
Introducing the Biggest Little Rooster's first offspring, temporarily known as Uno, Hatched Jan 31, 2009 @ 5:27 pm .....



Uno has a scrambled egg looking thing on her butt, and is attached to the shell by a stringy thingy. She is totally determined to get that thing off her butt..


More pics when she dries off. I missed her popping out of the shell. So Im watching Tres carefully!! I did get video of her trying to fling that scrambled egg off her butt LOL
Introducing the 2nd of the biggest little roosters offspring, Tres Hatched at 7:47 pm, Jan 31....


Got a REAL cute video of him hatching. I'll put it up soon
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Human lady's big sister here. Nothing against Auntie S but does this mean I'm an aunt again.
. Con Grats. We might have a problem Uncle Scott is failing spanish and he says he would like to be able to talk to spanish chicks, oh he thinks were talking about humans.
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