The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Dos and Quatro are buried next to their daddy...
Uno and Tres are doing well. They are in the brooder, they found their food and water. They also found out how to get past the divider. Silly little chickies. They are spending alot of time sleeping. Tres is a little smaller, and 4 times louder than Uno. He is having a very bad hair day. He has goo stuck all over him, like hair gel, and wild and crazy hairstyle. LOL. I took pictures, and luckily I put down a paper towel, cause Tres promptly pooped.




The little Hairy dog-Go AWAY was frantically trying to see what was making all that noise.

It's a little blurry, but how pathetic is this face?
awww those are the two soon to be most spoiled rotten little noise makers on the north side of the mason dixon line right thar!
And the doggie-GO AWAY! is cutiepie too! Have ya let him see them yet?
OMG! That letter from Cuatro made me cry!
LilBizzy you are such a talented writer. You truly are. Man...what an emotional roller coaster these eggs have had us all on!
I am so glad that Uno and Tres are doing well.

I can't wait to see how Auntie Skand's babies turn out!
This is very exciting and emotional.

Thanks for the update. I loved the pic of "go-AWAY" is she/he a cairn terrier?

Dear Auntie D,
You dont know me too well, but my Momma's told me all about you and why those eggs are in the bator.
Let me tell you a little about me. My name is Gimp. I am a black frizzle that came from a far away place. I know this because I had to ride in several trucks before my mom picked me and my cousins and took us home. I was hatched with a bad leg, hence the name Gimp. I've never learned to walk, but I can scoot real good to the food and water, and mom's hand. She gives the best hugs and says the sweetest things to me.
I've had a hard life. My cousins run me over, cause I'm always in the way. Sometimes, mom picks me up and puts me in the big food dish, so I can eat my fill and not have to worry bout the feet. Gosh, lots of feet.
Well, today, mom was sniffling while holding me, she told me how dos and cuatro didnt get to see your face. That they went to be with their daddy. I love my daddy, so I was feeling really bad. I just felt so tired, tired of the feet, tired of the pain of not being able to walk. So I went to help them get to thier daddy. Mom says I can be like a big brother to them. Help them not get lost on the way.
I hope you dont mind them having a friend. I'll give them a hug for you, okay?
Love you,
Sorry for makin ya cry. Crazy me actually went out in the dark and buried them next to the BLR.

Yup, doggie- go AWAY is a cairn mix. Shes got the Cairn look, attitude, hair and face, but her tail curls, and her legs are a bit longer.
Hello Gimp...
I am sorry you couldn't stay with Auntie, but the biggest little rooster will really like having you around. Watch out for cuatro- he's a pistol. Thank you for staying with them. They would like a frizzle.. And the good thing about going over the rainbow bridge is nothing scary there. No feet. In fact, your feet will work fine. ( so you can kick dos and Cuatro if they get out of hand.) The good thing about life is- no matter how tough it is, having someone really love you makes it all worth it. And you had that with Auntie. And now you have the biggest little rooster, Cuatro and Dos..
Take care, little one
Oh my gosh that just sent me tearing right up
At least they will all have eachother while they are with the BLR. You guys are such wonderfull story tellers. The letters that get sent back and forth are so endearing. Thank you both for giving me someting to look forward to reading about each day.
Skand, so sorry about Gimp.
Sounds like you did the best you could for him. I love the letter he wrote to Auntie D!

LilBizzy-don't apologize for the beautiful letter Cuatro wrote! Everyone here is really rooting for all the babies, and it's just hard on us when we lose one of the BLR's babies.

I love the Cairn terriers. We considered getting one for the kids, but a Boston Terrier kind of fell into our lap, and we love her to pieces. My friend had a Cairn, and she was really sweet.

Thanks for the updates, y'all!
to both of you!


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