The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

So Sorry for the loss!!

As always, a truly wonderful story!!

Hello Auntie!!
We're getting excited. Shouldn't our brothers and sisters be hatching tomorrow? or maybe the next day? Tell them to just go slow at first, then to hurry out like me and Uno did.
Mamma D and the Man held me and Uno last night, and stretched out our wings. I did NOT care for that, but something about my wings made the mamma happy. She thinks I am a girl and Uno is a boy. I will not tell her yet if she is right or wrong.
Wanna see how darn adorable I am?

and a picture of Uno, who isn't as cute as me...

So, Mamma D took us out of the box to stick that camera in our face. she calls this picture " Are You our Mamma?"

So, you can see, Uno, the big brute, (on the left)is bigger than me. And a little darker also. He is also a big bully. He keeps trying to bite my toes. But I am quick. In fact, I can run almost as fast backwards as I do forward. When he bites my toes, I spin around real fast and bite his butt. Yesterday, I just squeaked when he pecked me, but today I am biting back.
When Mamma D took us out, guess what I did? Yup, I pooped on the floor. Hee Hee. Yesterday I pooped on the bantam humans hand. She still loves me anyway.
Mamma D took a movie of me, cause I'm so cute. Of course, Uno is in the movie too. But we all know I'm the star.

Mamma D gave us names now. Me, I'm no longer Tres. My name is Laurel.
and Uno will now be known as the big bully,stupid meanie toe-biting poopyheaded brat.

Or, you can call him by the shortened version- Hardy

Ok, brothers and sisters, we're rootin for ya... Happy Hatching!
Laurel & Hardy
Laurel and Hardy are looking great. poopyhead brat (too funny). dottie too cute also. what is kitten little doing?
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LOl I still cant believe my big sister joined a chicken forum. Even worse, you found out about the chickens hatching online rather than thru a phonecall. Seriously, I luv ya!! LOL
Kitten so far is ignoring them. But tonight when I was taking movie, she jumped in the room, and I hurried up and scooped uo the babies. Kitty was only interested in sniffing the towel they pooped on. What is it with anmals and poop?
Big sister can't believe she's on this chicken forum either. No chickens in my yard just chicken hawks. Cause Little sister spends way too much time there it's the only way to get updates. crazy mom mom even knows about the little ones. Uncle Scott thought you spelled tres wrong( see I told you he was failing spanish) I'll give him the new update in AM. I sent a baby(chickie) present for you today, via mail so mexicans don't get it.
Hey Big Sis;


I feel it is just a matter of time before you succumb to this exotic illness we all share here. Soon your chicks will be weaving into the BLR storyline....
hahaha Got the hatching bug now huh! And its spreading to other family members!! In the hatcher with a full door, cant hear any muffled noises yet. Will check them tonight, we knock on the door to hear if anyone's home yet. Who knows, they might be getting dressed, so we wont just barge in on em. lol
Mamma D! Guess what!! Two of us are meeting Norman!! One of us is being awful slow, and the others are sleeping still. Getting thier energy they say.
Well, Mr. Big scary hands put some friends in with us. He said he was sure we'd be distinguished enough to tell apart, but we's all blonde in this batch.
Auntie S took our pictures, she'll show them to you tomarrow. Right now, we're kinda getting the lay of the brooder. She says we're still too little to go off exploring. Says there are plenty of natives in the house, that we should do fine untill we're older.
Well, you need to get some rest, work tomarrow and all.
Talk to you soon!
Love ya, thanks for sending us here, we like it!
the lil Orphaned chicks!!
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oh, wait.. they are meeting Norman?? Oh, well, they won't be afraid of Mr Big Scary Hands after meeting Norman.. hee hee
Oh BOY.. now he has 4 babies!!

Tomorrow, I'll post pictures.. Laurel and Hardy were looking at pictures of their dad..
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