The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Good thing I thought of it, too. Laurel has a terrible habit of pooping as soon as I put her down. And she promptly pooped on the keyboard. LOL
Well I hate to be the one to tell ya this but usally when they are screamers they are roo's. At least that is my experiance with them.

Glad to hear of the babies and remember Skand has to wait for Jim to help her load those pictures and we all know what it is like to wait for a mans help
hehehe he's always busy doing something besides what I ask. It's my cam, you'd think I'd figure it out, but nope, cant read electronic instructions. It's like trying to decipher ancient heiroglyphs. without a cheat sheet.

Psst we got one hatching right now!
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Love the pics LilBizzy! Thanks for posting them!

I am so excited for you Skand! So is it 5 or 6? Did we lose one in the middle of hatching? UPDATE! LOL! Have you noticed I'm not the most patient person in the world??
When I get an incubator and start hatching my own eggs, it's going to be B-A-D! LOL!

Another birth announcement!!
At 8:09 pm Thursday, February 5,2009, a little one was helped out when she tried to stick in her shell. She is the lovely little one of little WeeMan Woo.
Thank you skand for saving her!!!
All is good on skands end. she had 4 of the biggest little roosters kids hatch, and 1 of WeeMans. She doesnt have a little tiny setup like me, so she isn't peering in a hundred times a day LOL. She has pics, but is keeping us all in suspense.

Our 2 pips are alive and peeping. The 3rd one seems to still be alive, but nothing yet. The 4th one, I don't think its alive. I candled the other day and didn't see movement in it. I think it's gonna go chill with dos and cuatro..

UPDATE::: 3rd one is peeping. Hasn't pipped yet, but.. at least he's still alive!!!
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Hola Mamma D!
Here we are!
This is us meeting the 'frizz gang'


The next day, Auntie S cleaned our room,

So she moved us to the 'playpen'

See, we werent that red at first!

This is WeeMan's little girl
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.. they are sooooo CUTE, and they have so much company. So how many did ya end up with? I cant count, they are all fuzzled together.
Where's norman?

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