The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!


That just cracks me up!!!
You did good Momma D. Nice babies there love the names. Any updates from Skand. I just love that little jerkin lurkin she has. What did she name him, Norman? LOL
Well, I cleaned their brooder today, so after they get a little more calmed down, I'll get some pictures. They are growing sooo fast! I noticed when I was moving them from brooder to playpen (it's a guinea pig playpen) the BLR's are way calmer then the speckled sussex and frizzles! They just stand still and wait for you to scoop them up. Soo darn adorable!
WeeGirl passed this afternoon.
She had a problem with her bum when she was hatched, remember, she was stuck. well, Yesterday, as I was washing the dried poopy off, so she could poop somemore, well, her sphincter was sore, red and like she had hemmiroids. So today, I just rinsed her bum, all gentle. Well later when I was checking them after cleaning the brooder, she was laying down, gone.
She was the most gorgeous girl you have ever seen. Just the right light shades of red, tan and white. She had these lilttle black dots on the outside corners of her eyes, surrounded in a golden tan fuzz.
Awww, poor lil WeeGirl..
I have to post updated pictures tomorrow. They are growing so fast. They all have little wing feathers, and Laurel is getting lil tiny tail feathers. They have such cool little personalities. I'm looking forward to writing the stories.

Hey, look up there
So sorry to hear about WeeGirl, but her long-distance relatives are looking great!
I can't wait to read about their adventures!


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