The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Holy Guacamole!! I don't think we are in Texas anymore! We just got out of this box thingy, put in a nice cage with straw and a new friend or several. I'm going to check on my siblings, catch some much needed zzzzzz's and I'll catch you up on the new digs tomorrow. What a trip, did I mention the wind? The blowing dirt? The rain??? Oh, but we did have some really tasty goodies!
Hello New Auntie!!
Thank you for taking our orphaned brothers and sisters. Is wind and rain as bad as cold? We like to huddle under the heat lamp. Mamma D keeps trying to move it higher, but we like the heat !! Mamma D. took Laurel and Hardy on a field trip into the great outdoors, but they didnt like it much. They thought it was scary, and they didn't even pick at the grass. I can't wait to see grass. These doggie weewee pads and the beige carpet are no fun. Hee hee, we keep pooping on the beige carpet in the hopes Mamma D. will take us outside. She says we need more feathers before we can go outside. Darn it, feathers, GROW!!
What kind of tasty goodies did you get? We got cream of wheat with a little bit of yogurt. None of us was brave enough to taste it. What can I say, we're chicken!! But we got a few rice krispies, and we all ate 1. Then we all fought over 1. And Hardy, who walks funny cause he has crooked toes- well he stepped in a poop, and then a rice krispie stuck to his stinky foot.Spunky was a little dope- he pecked at the poopy rice krispie foot. Then he shook his head back and forth and ran to get drink of water.
I hope some day we get to go on a road trip adventure! I'm jealous!
BB VonSneaky
The next chapter is almost ready, but for now, again, I know a few pics will tide ya over

Thats Hardy in the front, and the back, left to right is McScreamy, Spunky, VonSneaky and Laurel.
Poor Hardy is having a bad hair day week:

Simon says.. put your head between your knees:
Our new Aunt Kat has been rather tied up with school stuff. She had all kinds of people in her classroom today while she was trying to write and just didn't get her thoughts together! The wind was pretty bad and we were glad we were not out there in it, we wouldn't have any feathers left! We were safe and warm in the front of the big red rolling coop, we slept most of the way back.

Since we've been here though we've made 5 new friends that have really funky feathers and long skinny tails, but those are sure fun to play with. We aren't too sure about the teeth and claw on the other end though, but so far no one has grabbed us, they've been really nice. We feel really bad for two guys in little bitty cages next to our big one, they have no feathers on their backs and some bloody spots where someone was mean to them! They aren't chickens and they make really weird sounds,, I'm almost positive I'd heard something like them before!

We'll have some new pictures this weekend I'm sure, I've a lot of bright lights. This new cage??? It has neat bars in it we can sit on, and it's really tall so we can try and fly too!
Some of our friends moved outside two days ago, they decided they liked it and stayed after the first day. We can hardly wait to join them!
We'll talk to you later!
Hi Siblings and Auntie K and Auntie S...
Auntie S, Mamma D told us you had to get rid of all your babies and that made us sad for you. Even though Mamma D still scares the poo out of us, we know she would be sad if she had to give us away. We are happy that Auntie has the orphans. And uglycute Norman, and mean ole popcorn!
We have two 4-legged fuzzy creatures living here. There is the obnoxiously hairy dog Go AWAY, and the kitten little -Get OFF me. Doggie Go AWAY is always sniffing at the door and whining. We find it quite annoying. We like to go right next to the door when we are out for playtime. It drives doggie Go AWAY crazy. Hee hee.
KittenLittle Get OFF me just comes in the room, scratches in a little box, makes the room stink, then leaves. And boy does she make the room stink. Mamma D says thats US, not kitten little Get OFF me. But we don't stink.
We are waiting for nice weather so we can go outside to play. Mamma D. says there is alot of fun stuff outside. Laurel and Hardy went out for a little bit one day.

They said they didn't like it, but from the stories that Mamma D. tells us about our daddy outside, I think outside sounds like a great place.
Our little box is nice and warm. It's big enough to play in, but we don't get to see so much. I can hear the nepper-n-misty. I saw them once- they are funny looking chickens. They have grey feathers and big wings ( well, Misty does- Nepper has alot of missing feathers- Mamma D says he is a nervous birdy and pulls his feathers out), and hooked beaks. I don't know what kind of chickens they are, but they talk people talk. They talk kitten little Get OFF me talk too.
Anyway, I got sidetracked. I was telling you how we can't see out of our box. We sleep all day, and when Mamma D. comes home, we get to come out for recess. then we go back into the box, and we play most of the night. We tried sleeping at night but there is scary monster sounds like growling or something after the humans go to bed.
This is what we do ... first, you'll hear ThumpThump pause THUMP thumpthumpthump. That would be Laurel, running, jumping over whoever is in her way, then running to the other side. Then you hear THUMP THUMP THUMPTHUMP. That is Hardy, the big lug running after Laurel. Then you hear thwapthwap fft thwap ftt thwap. That's me, and BB and Spunky running after Laurel and Hardy.
Then we stand around pecking each other until Laurel decides to rn the other way. Then we follow. Then Laurel runs to eat, and e run to get in the way. We tend to fight over 1 opening of the feeder, even though there is room for all of us. It's just the way chickens do things. When we are older, all the girls will fight over the same nest box, even if there is enough for all of us to have our own.
We chase each other alot. I ( Mcscreamy)am smart- I try to stay out of the way. I hardly ever get pecked at or pushed because I am smart enough to only get real close when I feel like playing. Laurel and Hardy finally stoped the chest bumping game. All us little ones got stepped on more than once when they played that game. Since I started staying out of the way of the rough play, I am hardly screaming at all.
Now skunkback, on the other hand, has started whining. Mamma D is turning him into a sissy. She lets him climb on her hand and she pets him till he goes to sleep. He's a mammas boy. So if he is alone sometimes he will whine.
Laurel and I do not like getting pets. We run when we see Mamma D reaching out towards us. Hardy will tolerate a pet or two, and VonSneaky likes it almost as much as skunk does.
Mamma D is gonna give us a playground tomorrow. I hope it has bars to sit on- that would be cool! I can't wait till the new babies hatch so we can get friends too. Sounds like New mexico is a fun place. ( what happened to the Old mexico? why did they hafta get a new one?) well, sounds like y'all are having an interesting life.. More interesting than ours at the moment.
well, recess is over- time to get back into the box and play tag! Take care !!
Feisty McScreamy

Edited to add:
Oh, Ps: Mamma D. is making me add this- just because the doggie is called GoAWAY, anf the kittenlittle is called Get OFF me- it's because they are pests. The doggie Go AWAY is always jumping on people and won't let them be more than a few inches away. And the kitten little sits all nice on laps, but then gets a claw stuck, and when the people try to help her, she jumps up, slaps them upside the head with her claws, bites them, then runs away. So no one wants her on them because it usually ends in bloodshed.
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Ohhhhh we get to go outside tomorrow too!!! I heard we are getting a nice little baby pen under a big tree that has just enough room to play, dirt and grass to scratch, and nice big house to rest in. It's supposed to be really nice outside so we should get some good pictures!
So, the babies decided to take a vote. They know whether they are male or female, but they wanted to see what y'all think - because they aren't telling. Pictures are named from left to right. This first pic is more because they are so darn cute as opposed to being abe to identify gender from:

In the back, barely visible is McScreamy, and Hardy. Cutie faces are Laurel, Skunkback, and VonSneaky.

Front Skunkback, VonSneaky: Middle McScreamy, Laurel: Rear is Hardy

McScreamy, Laurel, VonSneaky, Hardy, Skunkback




So, What is your vote? Mom thinks maybe
Hardy- boy
Laurel- girl
BB VonSneaky- girl
Fiesty McScreamy- boy
Spunky Skunkback- girl
I seriously believe that there is a biggest little rooster, jr.
When the BLR was a little one, we really had our doubts as to him being a rooster. He was bigger than the others, but he didn't act like a roo. His comb was a tiny bit bigger than the girls, but not big enough that we could point to him and say ' Yup, thats a roo".
Well, now we have Hardy, who happens to be Uno, the first one to hatch. He's bigger than Laurel, and his comb is a tiny bit bigger. Unlike the others though, his beak is dark colored. And his feathers, as they are coming in, are very pretty reddish brown. They almost already have that shine to them.
Even if he turns out not to be a boy, his personality is so much like his dad's. He can take it or leave it- sometimes he will come close for pets, and other times he will ignore. He is slightly curious, but also slightly timid. He is also a good little guy. When one of the babies peep- he will watch, and stroll over to make sure all is well. Last night, something must have made him think there was trouble, because he made a very odd sound, and the others all ran and huddled in the corner.
It's so cool, watching him, and seeing things in him that remind me of his daddy. I know things change, and tomorrow he could be a rotten stinker. But for now, the biggest little rooster lives on...
Yup, I think Hardy's a boy. And, acting like that, he's letting you know what he is. Its cool that he is acting like that that early. But it is his flock.
McScreamy, I think might be a girl. But that's as far as I'm going on guessing... When the coloreds hatch, I'll have a better clue on those ones, since Ive watched thier brothers and sisters, cousins and all... lol I know what to look for on em. lol

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