The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

"Ahhh yes she thought,,,, there must be a way out of here. Ever since those blue flat things with the holes in them got put up against the fence I haven't been out for my morning constitutional." Ms. Sneaky was looking at the blue barriers trying to figure out how to get through them. Getting through the chain link had been easy,, even after chicken wire was put up on the outside of the chain link she had found a way through it too. Ms. Sneaky loved to be the first one up in the morning,, her siblings and friends liked to sleep in though and didn't want to be bothered by her morning walk about.

"Much better" she thought as she ran under the bushes hoping the food source couldn't catch her,,,, "It's such a nice morning to be running free,, getting my fresh air, if it only it weren't being turned blue by the food source trying to catch me under here!" Ms. Sneaky ran as fast as she could under the bushes surrounding the pen the food source still couldn't figure out how she got out of.
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ohh, Ms Sneaky is a bit like her dad. As much as he hated to jump, and was big and bulky, he found his way out of his run every day to spend the time with his Ladies.
I'm still wondering where the white comes from. Maybe grandma? If the moms were sexlinks, thats a RIR crossed with some.. white chicken. So.. maybe that is where the white comes from. Weird.. but oh so cool..
Is that some sort of frizzly chick sleeping in the first picture?
Sure enough, Ms. Sneaky managed to get out for her morning constitutional, and right along with her was Mr. Stealthy. They were positive they were so sneaky and stealthy no one would notice that they were out playing next to their pen.

While inside the pen was their sister, Ms. Goody Two Shoes, she NEVER left her pen,,, she knew better, she'd heard there were things out there that could hurt an innocent little chick like her!
But that didn't stop her from thinking about it.

In fact, Mr. Stealthy thought it would be good for her to get out once in awhile and enjoy life,, he even tried to talk her into it!

I wonder if this is really the way out of the pen? I'm not sure I want to go back there,,, it's dark!!

Will Ms. Goody Two Shoes join Ms. Sneaky and Mr. Stealthy as they play outside the safety of the pen? Will she give in to the temptation of the fresh soil to scratch in? The soft dirt to bathe in? Tune in next time for Ms. Goody Two Shoes makes a choice!
Every day, a little bit more like dad.....

It was something called "the weekend". The little chicklets didn't know what "the weekend" meant, but Mamma D didn't go off to work. This was a good thing, because Mamma D. brought out treats three times! They had yogurt, apples and pears.
The Girls and the Ladies got to roam the yards. The chicklets hoped that some day they would be able to roam. Their run was very spacious, with plenty of room to run and play, but they wanted to have adventures, and go exploring. Not yet, though- but definately hen they were bigger.
The Girls went over to the neighbors yard, and decided to help the neighbors with their landscaping. They had just put down some fresh mulch, and the Girls were digging through it to spread it more evenly. The humanguy went over there with a broom to sweep the mulch off their walkway and back into their flowerbeds.
Then the neighbors came over to see the chicklets. They decided to be shy and hid in the coop. Hardy came out, because he was a little braver than the others. Mamma D. scooped him up and brought him out of the run to visit the neighbors. Hardy accidently screamed like a girl. He quickly looked around, and felt better seeing that the others were all hiding in the coop. They might have heard him, but they wouldn't know definately that it was him.
Mamma D was holding him out saying how beautiful and handsome he was. She told the neighbors he was a lot like his daddy, and that made Hardy's chest bulge out in pride. He wanted to be like his dad, and if he was , it would mean that everyone would love him. Even people who disliked roosters loved the biggest little rooster.
The chicklets still slept on the floor of the coop at night, but during nap times, they were on the roosts. Every time Mamma D. saw them on the roosts, she smiled. On the top roost, there would be 4 of them lined up. On the bottom roost, in the same exact spot his daddy always slept, would be Hardy.
On Saturday, the humans were busy in the yard. The humanguy got out the big red riding toy. The chcklets were a little scared of it, but they noticed the Girls were following it around. The big red riding toy spit grass out. The chicklets thought that was interesting. Mamma D. brougt them some grass spittings to scratch and play in.

Mamma D. was busy doing things, and all of a sudden, it was almost dark. The heat lamp was off, and Mamma D went to lock up the Girls and Ladies, and check temperatures in the chicklets coop. As she walked towards the coops, Mamma D. noticed a little shadow in the corner of the run. The shadow had 4 little heads. The chicklets didn't think it was funy, but Mamma D was laughing at them all huddled together. She yelled for the humangy to turn on the heatlamp, and came toward the little group. As she got close, out of the center of the huddle popped up a little head. Mamma D. giggled. One by one she picked them up and put them through the pop door. She promised to help them inside before dark from now on.
When Mamma D. picked Laurel up, Laurel complained. The babies are getting bigger- Laurel'c complaints were almost in a big girl voice. *sigh* Pretty soon, the baby peeps will be gone.......

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