The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

ive been waiting for another chapter. he does act just like his dad doesnt he? well i bet hes happy where you put him now! we need pics......
And the legaccy continues!!
Hardy just couldn't believe it! He was in with the beautiful big Girls! Within seconds, he was circling one of the big Girls with his wing dropped. It was less than 2 minutes, and already he was courting the Ladies:

He had so many beauties to choose from. He was one very happy rooster.

But, this was no time to act like a love struck teenager. He had to act like a rooster. He gathered the Ladies around him, and promised to protect them. One of the big Girls tried to disrespect him, and unfortunately, Hardy had to give her a good swift kick. He knew it wasn't nice to kick the girls, but he couldn't let anyone disrespect him.
He immediately got to work, scratching and looking for good things for the Ladies. After a little while, he wandered around checking out the yard.

In the meantime, over in the kids run, the humanlady had removed the divider that seperated the kids from the Texans. There are 2 Texans- a Buff Orp and a little mystery chicken that is probably some sort of game hen. The humans were positive the little game hen is a girl, but they still were not convinced if the Buff was male or female. Hardy found one of them attractive, because he used to do his little dance. It looked like he was dancing for the Buff. Time would tell.
The mystery chick was a little nervous. She likes to hide under her buddy Buff. She let the humanlady pet her, and pick her up, but she always put up a little fuss when being picked up. Now they had access to the full run, and she was torn between exploring, and hiding behid the Buff.
BB and Sweetie couldn't care less that the Texans were sharing space. McScreamy was thinking " Hmmm, 2 more girls for me". Laurel was NOT accepting. Even though the Texans were sweet, and would never challenge anyone, Laurel thought it to be her job to put the Texans in their place. She wasn't giving them much peace.
In the Ladies pen, there was peace and serenity. The big Girls and Ladies were excited to have a man around again. They did like Hardy, and he was already proving to be thoughtful and sweet. The way they were acting so comfortable, you'd have never believed Hardy was a newcomer to the flock.
Then, it started to get dark. The humans were busy -humanguy was cooking a late dinner ( luckily no one realized it was BBQ chicken) and humanlady was getting the little silkies and frizzles settled into their new coop. Finally, the humanlady noticed it was getting darkish, and her thoughts turned to Hardy.
Hardy had been in the coop earlier in the day, but he was a bit confused. He didn't realize he was going to live with the Ladies( not that he minded). He was running back and forth along the fence that seperates the two runs. He was looking at his coop, trying to figure out how to get through the fence and into the coop before it got any darker.
Two of the big Girls were trying to help him. They were running up to him, trying to get him to follow them into their coop. Poor Hardy was just very confused though.
The humanlady came to the rescue. She stood by the door holding the flashlight. That didn't work, so she put the flashlight in the doorway, and proceeded to chase , or guide Hardy towards the cop door. The two girls kept runing out trying to help. Finally, though, Hardy realized where the door was , and he wandered in. The humanlady thought he was brave- the coop door was in a very dark corner, where trees blocked the light, making it a lot darker than the rest of the run.
Hardy climbed up the ramp, and settled on the roost. Yes, he was happy!!
Chapter 2: Not Kids any longer..

Hardy was enjoying his new accomodations. He truly enjoyed being in with the Big Girls and Ladies. It made him feel quite wonderful to be surrounded by the big girls.
At the same time, he did miss being in his little flock. Sometimes the little ones would come up to the fence and talk to him, but for the most part, they were getting their pecking order straightened out.
The biggest little rooster used to stand by the fence with his big flock, looking in to the smaller pen with the Ladies, wishing he was with them. Hardy stands in the same spot, staring through the fence at his little flock.
When the biggest little rooster was finally in with the Ladies, he'd stare through the fence trying to keep WeeMan in line. Hardy stands at the fence trying to keep McScreamy in line.
Because he was nicer, or maybe because he is still young, McScreamy didn't let the seperation, and now having his own girls, go to his head. He did start practicing crowing, because you can't be the man of the flock without being able to crow. Unfortunately, his crow did not sound very manly. It sounded like a car horn from the 1930's
This could be McScreamy crowing

It seemed like it rained every day. Hardy spent the rainy days up on the log surrounded by the Lades. They would tell him stories of his dad, and their adventures in the neighbors yards.
Then they would all run through the puddles, and see wwho could leave the deepest footprint in the mud. Hardy always won, because he had the biggest feet. At only 5 months old, he was already bigger than his father had been.
On the other side of the fence, Laurel was starting to lay eggs. The humanlady knew it had to be Laurel, because Laurel was looking more like a lady every day. BB and SS had some catching up to do.
Laurel was also asserting herself as the boss. McScreamy tried to snuggle up to her, but Laurel wanted no part of it. The other girls really didn't want any part of him either. He figured they were just moody because they were growing up.
Laurel wanted her Hardy back. She missed him. At first, Hardy was too busy chasing the Big Girls and Ladies around trying to snuggle. In time, he learned to manage his time, and was able to give all the girls a few moments of alone time each day.
At night as the big girls started going to bed, Hardy would stand by the fence. On the other side of the fence Laurel stood- beak to beak, just staring at each other. They didn't talk, they just stared. Laurel knew she would always be Hardy's favorite. Hardy knew it too. They would stand like that until it was almost too dark to see. Then Hardy would brave the dark , and run into the coop, get up on the roost surrounded by big Girls, and sigh happily.
Nice to see they are doing so well! I'm almost out of training and a few things are settling down so I'll get you updated on Goody Two Shoes and McStealthy, now known as McStud Muffin!

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