The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

Chapter 3- McScreamy Moves Out
Everyone was slowly getting used to the changes. The Texans figured they would always be at the bottom. That was okay by them, as long as they had each other. The buff sometimes wished the little one wouldn't follow her so closely all the time. Yet at the same time, it felt good to have someone look up to her. Buff also liked when Hardy danced for her on the other side of the fence.
McScreamy was much more at ease now that Hardy couldn't beat him up. Laurel still tried to boss him around, and he didn't care for that. BB and SS weren't interested in hanging around with him, and the Texans were afraid of him. He didn't understand why- he had always tried to be nice to them.
Laurel still missed Hardy. Having him on the other side of the fence wasn't good enough. She wanted him back. The other little girls really didn't want Hardy back- he tried to snuggle with them too often. But Laurel was Hardy's other half, and she missed him.
Laurel felt a bit jealous of the Buff when Hardy did his little dance for her. So Laurel was being a bit rough on the Buff- never letting her get too comfortable. She didn't care about the little one, but the little one would run screaming whenever Laurel was going after the Buff. Laurel did feel bad, as she didn't wan't to scare the little one.
The doubles- (BB and SS) were content. They secretly liked McScreamy, but like most teenagers, they thought they should pretend to dislike the "uncool" ones. Sometimes they got mad at themselves, because they really did not think it was good to ignore the others. BB was especially confused- she liked McScreamy a lot. She even saved his life when he was caught on the hook in the coop, and hanging upside down by one toe. Now, she felt like she would be henpecked if she was his special girl.
The humanlady liked them all. She felt it would be unfair to the little girls to keep them with McScreamy. One rooster needs more than 4 girls. The big Girls were still growing in feathers from Uncle WeeMan's excessive awkward snuggling. The humanlady still had a little fear of roosters, also.
She made a decision to let one of the roosters live elsewhere. Of course, it had to be McScreamy, because she just couldn't give up the Biggest Little Rooster, Jr.. She also felt that McScreamy might be the gentler one.
So, one day, she came home from work, and shortly after, a truck pulled up. The humanlady waked into the run, and was talking to McScreamy, telling him he was going to live with 9 chicken girls, and 2 little human ones.
McScreamy knew something was up, and he was a bit scared. He ran into the coop, and stood on the ramp looking out the window. The humanlady opened the door, talking softly , picked him upgave him a hug and a kiss and put him in a cage.
The humanguy commented on how big McScreamy was. That made McScreamy feel better. He was scared, but stood tall and proud. They walked toward the truck. McScreamy heard the little girl saying how big and pretty he was. By the time they were pulling away, the little girl was trying to decide on a new name for him. He really hoped she would come up with something manly- she wanted to call him Summer.

Stay tuned for the next chapter.. Hardy's First Adventure..
LOL@ skanky hook-up. Ok, I can picture it...

I think airport security would get a kick out of it. A very adorable hen, with little high heels and a bright pink feather boa, maybe even a fancy little hat, going to meet a handsome little rooster in a bow-tie and top hat carrying a little bouquet of flowers and mealworms.
Although I think they might have trouble at the motel. I know some have rooms that they will rent by the hour, but I can't see them renting by the minute.

And they have a song called Muskrat Love. Why not a Chicken Love song. Chickens are way cuter than muskrats.

Look for the new chapter tonight. Chickens didnt finish the Survivor games because the Ladies were set free!!

OK, I came late to this party and I'm tryingto catch up but I am ROLLING ON THE FLOOR LAUGHING

Thank you thank you thank you, I needed that!
Chapter 4- Hardy's First adventure....

It had been raining way too much for Hardy's liking. The area where the two chicken runs meet was a low spot, so when Hardy visited the little girls, he was up to his knees in water ( If chickens had knees, that is). When the puddle wasn't there, he'd be standing in squishy mud. It's really hard to do the rooster dance in squishy mud.
The humanlady finally decided it was time to make a covered feeder for them, and while she put it together, she was going to let Hardy and the Ladies go exploring. They had not yet been allowed to explore because neighbors had gardens, and chickens love gardens, and neighbors don't like chickens in gardens ( and who can blame them).
So, the gate was opened. The Ladies bolted out the gate, practically running each other over. They knew how great it was to be on the outside.

Hardy had never been on grass. His dad and uncle and the ladies had trampled,scratched, pecked and eaten every blade of grass in the run. His feet never felt the cool grass. He had never been outside the gate.

He stopped at the gate, and looked down at the grass. He knew it was something good to snack on, but he wasn't sure about walking on it. Even though the humanlady was telling him he should run free, he just wasn't sure.
He went back in to the run, and looked around. His Lades were gone. The little Girls were stuck in their run. Hardy felt bad for them. He didn't want freedom if the Girs couldn't be free also.

So, he stood in the mud and talked with the girls. He did his little rooster dance. Finally, his bestest buddy Laurel told him to go run free. The little Girls had grass in their run, so they knew how good it felt under their feet. Laurel wanted Hardy to be able to experience that feel too. Between the humanlady and Laurel both nagging him to go outside, Hardy couldn't put it off any longer. He stepped outside the gate.

The grass tickled his feet, and Hardy wasn't sure whether it was a good tickle, or an annoying tickle- like when a fly keeps landing on your face. He took some tentative steps, decided nothing was going to hurt him. Then he tasted his first real taste of freshly picked grass. Yum! He called the Ladies over to enjoy this succulent treat.

Hey! Where are all the Ladies??

Hardy wasn't sure what to do. There was this bg open space, and he couldn't see the Lades anywhere. He was worried because they didn't come when he announced treats. He was also a little scared because he was out in the big world all alone.
So he did what any other self respecting rooster would do in a situation like this- he ran back to the run to keep the little Girls company!
It took a few minutes, but he knew his Ladies could be in danger, and it would be very wrong of him to be hiding instead of protecting them. He cautiously wandered out of the run, and started to walk along the outside of the run.
The humanlady took notice, and felt bad for Hardy. So, she called the Ladies. The Ladies came running from 4 different directions. Hardy looked up, and saw all his Ladies!! WooHoo! He came trotting toward them, very happy to see that they were not harmed or lost. As an added bonus, the humanlady was serving strawberries.

After the snack, the Ladies took off to the front. Hardy wasn't sure where they were going, but he followed.

***to be continued

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