The Biggest Little Rooster -- grandchickies on the way!!

I'm a subscriber...just adore your stories! Thank you for sharing with us and translating this rooish behavior into such precise words!!
I LOVE roosters, they're all that and more:cool:
Awesome, LilBizzy:p
Chapter 3 1/2 ( LOL)

With another brilliant plan foiled, the biggest little rooster had no other choice but to wait. While he waited, he talked to the Ladies, telling them how he'd hunt them up the juciest bugs and the sweetest grass when they got out.
As one Lady went inside to deposit the rent, he paced around outside the door like an anxious father in a delivery waiting room. He clucked soothing words of encouragement, and kept asking if everything was okay. When she finally came out of the nest box, he cheered, and tried to nuzzle her through the fence.
He had been watching people tv alot lately, and was thinking he would try some things he learned. He REALLY wanted to impress these beautiful golden ladies.
He tried to show his humorous side with jokes-
What do chickens serve at birthday parties? Coop-cakes!
Why does a chicken coop have two doors? With four doors it would be a chicken sedan
Then he tried to show his sensitive side by talking about feelings. He showed his serious and caring side by discussing humans and their effect on nature. He commented on how the days were getting shorter and a little colder. Of course with that comment, he hinted that cold weather would soon be upon them, and perhaps the ladies would like an extra body around at night to keep warm.
The ladies were cooing and hanging on to his every move. He definately had a captive audience. All that talking really did make the time go quick. The biggest little rooster looked up and saw the humanguy coming to let the ladies out. He got excited, but played it cool. He didn't want the ladies to think he was desperate. Although, with seven little ladies who looked up to him, he could hardly be considered desperate.
The ladies were freed from their run, and to his surprise and delight, they gathered around him. The sun was just over the treeline, and was shining on the ladies feathers, which made them glisten like gold, with beautiful reddish highlights.
The biggest little rooster could not help himself. He grabbed one of the ladies and had a private moment with her. Luckily for him, chicken ladies are not like human ladies. Paying special attention to one did not make the others jealous. The biggest little rooster thought life couldn't be better.
Today he tried something new. Since the ladies mostly foraged in the older couple neighbors yard, they weren't aware of all the good spots in their own yard. So he showed the ladies all his favorite spots- the dust bath place under the bush, the yummy bugs under the front neighbors deck, and the always fresh grass over the septic tank.
Everywhere he went, they followed. Well, two of them followed. The other two were following their sisters, but the biggest little rooster didn't know that. All he knew was that the ladies were acting as if they were seeing the world through new eyes, and seeing that pleased him.
He gladly let the medium sized rooster tend to the little flock that day. He was much to engrossed in showing the ladies the best day of their lives.
But allgood things must come to an end, even if temporary, and the biggest little rooster tried to ignore the signs that the day was coming to an end. It was getting dark, and his little flock was still out running amuck. He asked the ladies to stay put for a moment and wait for him while he gathered up the little ones and put them to bed. The ladies were impressed with his leadership skills, and watched and waited.
When the rooster got his flock settled ( except for that one problem child who kept getting out of bed and running ou tthe door to peek and see what was going on), he escorted the ladies home. Once he saw they were safely in his run, he bid them good night and sweet dreams. He was a little sad that the day was over, but there was a little spring in his step as he headed back to the shed.

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