the Blackest Ones: on exploring the significance of Cemani mutations

I would like to see your dressed dinner birds.
Belated dinner birds, to illustrate some of the odd unusual variations :)
Technically some of them were just half a dinner or diet dinners lol I really need to work on their size. Especially the "blue" ones tend to be skinny.
(Disclaimer: this are NOT Swedish black hens, it's just my farm flock ;) They have Swedish black hen ancestors in there, but that's like 20 years and three other breeders in the past. Real Swedish black hens are supposed to be all black.)

A "Holstein" chicken with white, yellow and dark spots of pigmentation on the skin and a few dark spots in the meat as well. Membranes were all light if I remember correctly.
This was a barred cockerel with yellow shanks and red comb. We didn't notice at all that he had those spots before plucking him. Quite a surprise lol.

A bright blue skinned one, meat was white with no dark spots.
Gold necked black cockerel, black shanks, brown eyes and dark purple/black comb.

One with partly dark meat shining through yellow skin. Most of the membranes turned out to be dark, even the ones around the bones.
This is the gold necked black cockerel from the post before, he had greenish (yellow + black) shanks, brown eyes and a quite dark comb.

I didn't even think about taking pictures of my slaughtered black meat birds.

I have some in the freezer... maybe I'll have to take it out and snap some pictures....

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