The Blue Ameraucana's THEY ARE HERE!!

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No, but I will be going to visit him at the end of Feb. You can find his number at the online Ga. Farmers Market Bulletin web site.
It was hard getting a good quality good dispositioned rooster to match my Cree lined Blue Amercuana......and she is going to be two years old and not sure if she would lay more eggs than she did at her first year. She is beautiful and if and when I decide to part with her, I will look you up for first dibs on her. She needs a good quality roo to go with her to carry on all of her traits minus her personality which she is somewhat a bully and gotta pick on the lower ranking girls to get her way or else LOL!
Will has awsome birds I have a cockeral from him and some Welsummer as well. His farm is spotless and his birds are amazing!
I am agonizing about what breeds to get -- I have just one tractor! Room for 3 hens and really wish I could get a pullet of one each black Orp., Welsumer and another breed. Don't want to get from a hatchery if I can help it. Whitmore farm sold you pullets? Did you make a special arrangement, as on the site it says only straight run chicks (25 minimum) or eggs 1 dozen min.
Oh sorry ya we made a special arangment these are culls as I am not breeding them purely. He sells pullets that don't meet his standards for breeding he usually has them available in late summer though. I got a blue ameraucana boy that also meets the standard so I might try and get two more pullets from him so I can breed pure.

Mahonri, I will have chicks available from this guy and some of his relatives later this year.

I was thinking about getting some blue or lavender (or mayber both if it's possible) ameraucanas haching eggs this Summer too. But, my husband told me I should wait till next year. Because I'll visite my mother & everyone in Japan this Summer. I'll be back in Aug but, he thinks it's kinda too late to have the eggs at end of Summer.(I dont really think so, because I have baby chicks in the guest room & the basement now. Maybe he doesnt wanna keep the baby chicks in the house. I wont blame him because they can get really stinky
But, It's really hard for me to wait till next year after I saw those beautiful pictures. Anyway, It's kinda hard to find Blue Ameraucanas & Lavender Ameraucanas. I think I'll keep looking. Thanks for the good info. Noriko
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