THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

Those who've had the 20 Eco with the auto-turner for a long time, do you notice any issues with the turner's rate of turn? Or even failure to turn? I'm curious as I'm into my 3rd hatch now, went into lockdown this AM, and of course can see the yellow plastic residual/powder on the 2 black pegs of auto-turner from the constant friction. Eventually over time, the notches on the incubator will get larger and larger; and I'm afraid the turner won't work as well. Has anyone encountered this or even tried to counter-act it?
Those who've had the 20 Eco with the auto-turner for a long time, do you notice any issues with the turner's rate of turn? Or even failure to turn? I'm curious as I'm into my 3rd hatch now, went into lockdown this AM, and of course can see the yellow plastic residual/powder on the 2 black pegs of auto-turner from the constant friction. Eventually over time, the notches on the incubator will get larger and larger; and I'm afraid the turner won't work as well. Has anyone encountered this or even tried to counter-act it?
I've heard from some issues with the Brinsea's egg turner, not here of course in a Spanish forum from Europe, now I don't remember what but I'll look for it.
Those who've had the 20 Eco with the auto-turner for a long time, do you notice any issues with the turner's rate of turn? Or even failure to turn? I'm curious as I'm into my 3rd hatch now, went into lockdown this AM, and of course can see the yellow plastic residual/powder on the 2 black pegs of auto-turner from the constant friction. Eventually over time, the notches on the incubator will get larger and larger; and I'm afraid the turner won't work as well. Has anyone encountered this or even tried to counter-act it?
Thanks for posting this, I am just about to buy one so will be looking for the answer to your question. I have only been using mine as a hatcher because I am too lazy and forgetful to turn eggs..
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I just filled my Brinsea last night. I used it quite a few times last year and love the hatch rate. I do not have the auto turner. I set eggs in it about 5 weeks ago and the morning of the second day after setting, the heater quit working. I sent the lid back (under warranty) and they fixed it and sent it back. I did have to reset the temp before setting my eggs but I think I have it all okay. It is showing 100 on the little thermometer that is in the lid and 99 on my hygrometer. I will know in 3 weeks if I have it right. lol I had no problems with it last year. Worked super good. I only hatched in it once though because it is a little small for large fowl chicks if you have it full. I hatch in my styrofoam one.
I just filled my Brinsea last night. I used it quite a few times last year and love the hatch rate. I do not have the auto turner. I set eggs in it about 5 weeks ago and the morning of the second day after setting, the heater quit working. I sent the lid back (under warranty) and they fixed it and sent it back. I did have to reset the temp before setting my eggs but I think I have it all okay. It is showing 100 on the little thermometer that is in the lid and 99 on my hygrometer. I will know in 3 weeks if I have it right. lol  I had no problems with it last year. Worked super good. I only hatched in it once though because it is a little small for large fowl chicks if you have it full. I hatch in my styrofoam one. 

Do you adjust the temperature during a hatch? I find that the temperature creeps up a little as the hatch progresses. I think this is due to the eggs generating heat as they grow. Should the temperature be adjusted down to compensate?
Do you adjust the temperature during a hatch? I find that the temperature creeps up a little as the hatch progresses. I think this is due to the eggs generating heat as they grow. Should the temperature be adjusted down to compensate?
Once I put the eggs in, I do not touch it at all. I open it every 3 days usually, lift the tray to add water and close it back up. That is all I do till day 18 then move the eggs to my styrofoam one for hatch. lol
Sometimes when I rock the bator back or forward it will change a degree or so but I still leave it alone.
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Once I put the eggs in, I do not touch it at all. I open it every 3 days usually, lift the tray to add water and close it back up. That is all I do till day 18 then move the eggs to my styrofoam one for hatch. lol   
Sometimes when I rock the bator back or forward it will change a degree or so but I still leave it alone. 

Do you add water that is around 100 degrees?
On the brinsea manual turn type, when you turn the eggs do you open the entire thing, or do you turn them without losing your heat and humidity?
I turn the Brinsea. I don't touch the eggs. You are to rock the brinsea back and forth to turn the eggs. My eggs sit up with pointed ends down between the little spacers. Go to my site on the incubation page and you will see how I do mine. Click on my user name then my site. I only open my bator to add water and that is the only time till day 18 to take eggs out and put them in my styrofoam for hatching.

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