The Broody Duck Thread for 2014

Two more weeks to go!

I candled them all last night while she was out on her daily walk and 2 were obviously not fertile so down to 15 eggs now (9 pure KC and 6 Muscovy X KC)
My TreeTrunks is at it again. Usually she gives up on sitting, but I think she's determined this time. I'm just glad she choose a safe spot, unlike the passed few attempts.

Because I didn't think she'd stick to sitting, I didn't bother to count or mark any dates.I do know that when I went out of town on April 5th, she was fully sitting because I had to give her baby sitter specific instructions.So that's my start date (give or take a week,maybe).

I'm pretty scared to attempt candling, she's a mean mama. Even when she's off the nest, if I go near the dog house (where her nest is), she bolts out of the pond and nips at me.

Anyways, I'm just going to let mother nature and mother duck do all the work. Ill just be prepared for if/when the babies arrive.

I'm still pretty excited for more white mallards!
My TreeTrunks is at it again. Usually she gives up on sitting, but I think she's determined this time. I'm just glad she choose a safe spot, unlike the passed few attempts.

Because I didn't think she'd stick to sitting, I didn't bother to count or mark any dates.I do know that when I went out of town on April 5th, she was fully sitting because I had to give her baby sitter specific instructions.So that's my start date (give or take a week,maybe).

I'm pretty scared to attempt candling, she's a mean mama. Even when she's off the nest, if I go near the dog house (where her nest is), she bolts out of the pond and nips at me.

Anyways, I'm just going to let mother nature and mother duck do all the work. Ill just be prepared for if/when the babies arrive.

I'm still pretty excited for more white mallards!
So glad to hear from you melissamerry, and to think you may be a granny soon. Congrats and keep us updated.
Mine will sometimes come running from the pond, just the last few days. But the male keeps nipping at my leg constantly. Never when I go into their pen to put in food, but all the way out he head butts me and pulls on my pant leg. It's kinda funny, never know if he's being mean to me or playing. Good luck on your's, mine still hasn't totally committed to sitting, but partly.
I'm fairly new to raising ducks but I'm pretty sure my girl may be going broody. She's still young so it surprised me. She's about 7 or 8 months old and been laying since early march. Lately she's been really loud, grumpy, and things that don't normally rattle her are. She's been laying in the same spot. On a tarp in our shed. She hasn't built a nest but I've caught her sitting on it even with no eggs and now when I collect the daily egg it's warm. Like body temp warm. Is this how it normally starts?
So glad to hear from you melissamerry, and to think you may be a granny soon. Congrats and keep us updated. 

Yes! we are still alive, despite the lack of posts. The adventure ducks are pushing two years this summer!

I distracted mama with some treats just long enough to take a peak. Nine eggs!

Hopefully soon to be mama, TreeTrunks

All three mallards!
Yes! we are still alive, despite the lack of posts. The adventure ducks are pushing two years this summer!

I distracted mama with some treats just long enough to take a peak. Nine eggs!

Hopefully soon to be mama, TreeTrunks

All three mallards!
Their so pretty and nice looking nest too, what are you going to do if all 9 hatch, planning on keeping them all?
-About half the eggs were added to the nest in the first week after she started sitting--is this ok?
Should be ok.

-We should pull the chicken egg, right?
I would. Edited: Bcz chicken eggs hatch at 21 days, ducks 28

-Any advice on candling? We don't want to get bitten or chase her off the nest, but she doesn't leave it at night, and I think we need the darkness to see properly.
I would just try to do it in a dark corner or have a helper carry over a shade of some kind.

I will add that if she is in with her flock, I would suggest that you build her some privacy walls. Or I've seen the upper portion of cat litter box covers used also. Just something to think about, not absolutely necessary, but sometimes helpful.
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