The Buckeye Thread

Buckeye white sport chicks...I can just imagine.
Maybe it is a beardless EE? Interesting though.

I have 22/35 buckeye eggs going into lockdown tomorrow. These are the first shipped eggs I ever purchased & I'm aware of the risks. I think they're doing well, considering how far they came by bus. Crossing my fingers for a good hatch!
Finnie it might just be the very tips of the feathers that are coming in white- some Buckeye chicks almost look mottled at first. Not every chick is that dark mahogany colour either. If you google "Buckeye chicks" and click on Images you can see some variation.
Finnie it might just be the very tips of the feathers that are coming in white- some Buckeye chicks almost look mottled at first. Not every chick is that dark mahogany colour either. If you google "Buckeye chicks" and click on Images you can see some variation.

Thank you, yeah, I did that search, and even the pale Buckeye chicks got striped wings when they came in. Mine have completely white. Well, I talk myself into believing they have a hint of yellow to them. I would post a photo for you, but I feel like it would clutter up your Buckeye thread to have what is most likely an Easter Egger photo on here.
If the chick is completely white, then they probably aren't Buckeyes, but strange things can happen in the world of chicken genetics! Out of curiosity what kind of combs do the white chicks have? Single or something else?
Oh OK, I'll post a photo. I guess that will make it easier to see what I'm talking about. I think she has a pea comb, like the other easter egger. It's so tiny, it's hard to see, but it does not have any of the serrations that single combs have.

They also have about the same color of legs:
I've never heard of a white-sport Buckeye. Sounds more like a hatchery 'oops'...

Hatchery mistake or someone mixed chicks at the feed store.
The chick you described sounds like a Red Sex Link pullet, but if the ONLY other option was Easter Eggers, then it must be that. For the record, Easter Eggers are mutts and can be any color, any color legs, with or without the beards, muffs, etc. I have some who are Blue Cuckoo with feathered feet, with a beard and dewlap, and she lays huge green eggs. It all depends on what went into the mix of genetics to make them, and the only distinguishing feature of an EE is that is has somewhere in its bloodline, a blue egg laying gene. However, not all the EEs from hatcheries will lay green or blue either, if using a blue egg rooster (such as a pure Ameraucana) over the hens of the parents will give you a very high percentage of blue and green laying daughters.
My computer hadn't loaded the pictures before I made my last comment, but yes, it appears you likely have a lovely little Easter Egger, and with that much wing in already, good chance of being a pullet. Good luck.

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