The Buckeye Thread

Thought I'd post a picture of my best Buckeye cockerel, he's around 18 weeks old in this picture. It's the same one as I posted on p.363. I only have a choice of 3, so my selection was extremely limited but I like this guy, he's very friendly and personable. I hope his eyes darken a bit, but he does have nice even colouring.

I may be biased because I think I have a sibling of yours--but I really like this guy- he has a nice neat comb. Like his colour as well. You are lucky to have more than one to chose from. I only have one- so he'd better be good enough.
I lost one pullet to a predator- so I only have 4 pullets now and the one cockerel with one younger one coming up. 2 of the pullets are kind of ditzy, they were the super slow feathering ones I believe. The other 2- one is broody on her first set of eggs- and the other has a modified almost single type comb--it's pea, but messy. Both are beautiful though. I turned down a lighter coloured male only because I was afraid he might be too light. I love my guy- he's wicked (a Newfoundland expression for really nice:) and has a very good personality, good with hens and chicks alike. And doesn't get into fights or pick on others.
Thanks cvamoca! we'll see how he turns out. This is not the fellow that's related to yours. The older he got the less and less he looked like a Buckeye- I was convinced he was crossed with something else at some time so he didn't make it to the breeder list. He did have a super temperament though, and I still have an East coast hen (maybe half sister or ?) that looks pretty good. Personality is a must on my list too, some chicks from your rooster would be a good thing! My East coast Buckeye hens are definitely more shy than my Ontario ones.
Thanks cvamoca! we'll see how he turns out. This is not the fellow that's related to yours. The older he got the less and less he looked like a Buckeye- I was convinced he was crossed with something else at some time so he didn't make it to the breeder list. He did have a super temperament though, and I still have an East coast hen (maybe half sister or ?) that looks pretty good. Personality is a must on my list too, some chicks from your rooster would be a good thing! My East coast Buckeye hens are definitely more shy than my Ontario ones.
Isn't there a song about the east coast hens/girls? Believe it was produced by the Beach Boys but not sure.
LOl- yes there is.
Sounds so exotic when it's sung by the Beach Boys.

California Girls

"Well East coast girls are hip​
I really dig those styles they wear​
And the Southern girls with the way they talk​
They knock me out when I'm down there"...​

(But he wishes they all could be California Girls!)​
Thanks Justso, the two roosters were hatch mates but I don't know how closely related they were.They were the only 2 Buckeye roosters I had to choose from out of this hatch.
I did decide to keep rooster #1, I believe he was the best of the two. I'll have to find a long backed large hen to cross him to.
One of my Buckeye pullets pulled a fast one and hatched out one Buff Brahma as a surprise. Surprise! This was her first clutch of eggs- she laid her first clutch and went broody immediately, I stuck some eggs under her to check fertility in the Brahmas, thought better of it and swapped them out for old eggs, but apparently I missed one. She's being a great mother though.

I do like the rooster you chose- like his overall shape and colour and his NEAT COMB! But I liked the lighter guy too, so I'm not that helpful...
Cvamoca congratulations! You're a chick grandma!
That was fast. I'd read that some Buckeyes were broody. It's good to have a few reliable broodies, I think, but of course that doesn't help with egg production
I'm not exactly sure if my Buckeyes are laying, I think they are, but I have a feeling someone's hiding eggs. One day when I kept them indoors later than usual there were way more eggs in the nest boxes. I'll have to start watching.

I really do hope this rooster matures nicely. I still feel bad about the other guy but he had fewer things I liked about him. It does help to have a lot to choose from, so with that thought in mind I treated myself to a new-to-me Sportsman cabinet incubator that holds 180 eggs. Not bad for 300 bucks! 2016, I'll get serious about chickens.
That is a good deal. You better watch out with that incubator. It tends to get addictive to the point that a person will come close to buying store bought eggs to eat because there is not enough eggs for the incubator.
Trust me because I built a 200ish egg incubator last spring and it would take 14 days to fill. My results were poor as there were way too many hens to one roo (20 to 1). I would toss about 5 -6 dozen eggs out due to being clear on day 18.

Those broodies are WAY better and cheaper at raising chicks.

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