The Building of my Hobby Farm *Update Post 11, 14, 21 & 39*

We started working on the Corral, and finishing up the Coop.



We need to get the Corral enclosed (even if it isn't finished) by Saturday, because we are getting Jolie the Pygmy Goat then.

I am a blessed man because I have a wife willing to get up there and nail in a tin roof.



She did an excellent job on the roof.


The Goat Condo gets done! Now Jolie has a place to sleep.


We get to work on the Coop entry


The view from the far corner of the Corral. We have to get the fencing and posts tomorrow.



Molly gets to work painting the inside of the Coop. It was cheaper than hanging wallpaper...

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Looking Awesome!!

What kind of goats are you going to get?

We are getting Pygmy Goats. Not for meat or milk, but as a pet (it was Mary's condition to me raising chickens)...​
We are getting Pygmy Goats. Not for meat or milk, but as a pet (it was Mary's condition to me raising chickens)...

Pygmy Goats are so cute!! I would love to have some, but the coyotes would carry them off here and until I get my own place they'll have to wait.
Great job.

A small suggestion though. I have three Nigerian Dwarfs and one Pygmy and they love to rub along the fences..... picure shoulder dug in an linebacker strength as they go along the wire. Its a goat thing. The Pygmy is the worst because hes beefier and has a talent for opening the wire up for the rest.

They have destroyed
about six dog kennel panels which are chainlink fastened with heavy wire at the bottom. My next enclosure will have a rub bar about that height made of a two by four or two by eight.... you could even cover it with the same kind of wire so they will get satisfaction on rubbing on it rather than destroying other wire fences. This is about knee height.

Also for play structures I hit up Craigs list and local Baby resale shops for Little tykes play structures. My goats have three One red yellow and blue cube One grey climbing structure and one partial swingset that has a platform. They are cleanable safe and you can move them around to give the grass a rest.
perchie.girl :

Great job.

A small suggestion though. I have three Nigerian Dwarfs and one Pygmy and they love to rub along the fences..... picure shoulder dug in an linebacker strength as they go along the wire. Its a goat thing. The Pygmy is the worst because hes beefier and has a talent for opening the wire up for the rest.

They have destroyed
about six dog kennel panels which are chainlink fastened with heavy wire at the bottom. My next enclosure will have a rub bar about that height made of a two by four or two by eight.... you could even cover it with the same kind of wire so they will get satisfaction on rubbing on it rather than destroying other wire fences. This is about knee height.

Also for play structures I hit up Craigs list and local Baby resale shops for Little tykes play structures. My goats have three One red yellow and blue cube One grey climbing structure and one partial swingset that has a platform. They are cleanable safe and you can move them around to give the grass a rest.

Rub Bar??? Pics please!

perchie.girl, now you know that you can't bring up these great ideas and I read it and not ask you to post pics.
I agree with you on those play structures. I was lucky enough to get about 12 large wooden spools from someone on Craigslist.​
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

We are getting Pygmy Goats. Not for meat or milk, but as a pet (it was Mary's condition to me raising chickens)...

Pygmy Goats are so cute!! I would love to have some, but the coyotes would carry them off here and until I get my own place they'll have to wait.

You must have some big coyotes. Because even the bobcats and mountainlions leave mine alone. My fence is six feet tall and mde of dog kennel panels. Beleive me you have to fence goats. Little retrobates.... this is a term of enderement. I adore my goaties. Even when they find out they can open the access door for under the house and eat all the insulation off my phone lines. And rearange the insulation under the house. Sheesh. All my fault....

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